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Do you know what the plan for your insurance business is in five to ten years’ time?

Some insurance agents do their jobs day-to-day and just put in time over the years, maybe. Or some even have a hobby that they might turn into a business — you never know. What’s wrong with those two scenarios? If you said lack of focus and commitment, you would be right.

If you don’t go into the insurance business with a serious mindset that you are going to succeed and do it well, then the business is mediocre. It may or may not succeed. It may or may not make you the kind of income you’d like. That is because you do not have a true plan and a fixed goal. What is the goal? The goal is to plan on being in the same business, successfully, in five to ten years.

Is that possible when you first go into business, opening your own agency? Yes, it is. It has never been easier building your own brand thanks to the Internet, social media and the hundreds of tools smart insurance agents can use to market themselves, their products and services. Seek and ye shall find the answers to your marketing questions online, and if you don’t, ask someone in your industry who knows.

It’s true — who you know and what they know can be a huge benefit to you.

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Picture of Benepath Blogger
Benepath Blogger

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