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As a top provider of high-quality commercial insurance leads, we know how hard it can be to find qualified businesses and convert them into commercial insurance clients. Because of this, Benepath has created a proven method for generating high-intent, exclusive leads that can help you expand your business and increase your revenue!

Our lead generation system is made to provide insurance agents and brokers like you with a consistent flow of pre-qualified leads. This allows you to spend less time looking for clients. And gives you more time to focus on what you do best — selling insurance! Thanks to our innovative lead generation and data form processes, you can increase your sales and keep your customers happy. Since they’ll end up with a top-tier insurance policy for their business.

Whether you’ve recently become an agent, or you’ve been in the insurance game for years. Our commercial insurance leads can help take your business to the next level. Just ask the hundreds of insurance agents who have already experienced the advantages of working with Benepath! So, if you’re ready to work smarter, raise your sales, and increase your return on investment, our Commercial insurance leads are the perfect place to start. 

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Potential Opportunities

There is a ton of opportunity out there in the growing commercial insurance industry. And our exclusive leads will help you get in on the action. And this is by no means a saturated market. In fact, according to a study completed by the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America (IIABA), around 40% of small business owners do not have insurance to protect against business-related losses. This high number of uninsured businesses means a major opportunity to grow your client base. 

Not only that, but the business owners who need insurance are looking for help from agents like you. Another study has shown that around 75% of business owners who purchased insurance got their policy through an insurance agent. All you need is a little help from us to connect you with all of these high-intent leads! 

If you don’t work with commercial insurance policies already, you should consider doing so. Not only for the above reasons, but because these types of policies are extremely flexible. Since there are a number of different coverage options available to your customers, like general liability, commercial auto, and workers’ compensation, you’ll be able to create a customized plan tailored to your clients’ needs. This wide array of policies will also give you an opportunity to cross-sell. And offer policies to your customers that they haven’t even considered. 

As the B2B insurance sector continues to grow, Benepath is here to help you get started!


Our Generation Process 

What makes Benepath stand out from other lead generation companies is our vow to only sell real-time exclusive insurance leads. To ensure exclusivity and quality, we use an advanced lead generation process. Allowing us to target certain demographics that are likely to generate high-intent leads. This process also lets us pre-screen leads, making sure that they are qualified before passing them on to you. Having these procedures in place allows agents to have the very best chance of making sales. 

Let us give you a brief overview of how our lead generation process works. Everything starts with our marketing team. Who are dedicated to using the most effective and up-to-date techniques to drive traffic to our websites. You can rest assured that 100% of our leads are generated through search advertising (SEM and SEO), email marketing, and content campaigns like direct mail and display advertising. 

Our advertisements will catch the eyes of interested business owners, who will engage with them and come to our landing page. This is where the real journey begins. At this point, if the business owner is still interested in getting a free commercial insurance quote they will either fill out a data form, or they’ll give us a call. If they complete a data form, they will be greeted by a “Thank You” page. Which includes their soon-to-be agent’s name, company logo, and “About Me” blurb. Afterwards, they will receive a welcome email from the agent initiating the conversation. This simple process ensures that there will always be a one-to-one connection between consumer and agent. 


Lead Details

If you decide to purchase a lead from us, we will provide you with a detailed lead preview. This will have all of the information needed to get started with the business at hand. Our lead preview includes contact information (name, email and phone number), requested coverage date, requested coverage type (business owners policy, commercial auto, etc.) and business details (company name, industry, number of employees, employee payroll, and address). 

We do this for you, since In the insurance industry, the more you know about your lead, the better outcome you will have – and you can be sure our exclusive leads will set you up for success!


Policy Types 

Benepath values the relationships we have with the agents we work with, and because of this, we strive to fulfill every agent’s needs. Part of doing this means working with an array of insurance lead products. When it comes to commercial insurance, the same applies. We offer business lead types including workers’ compensation, business owners policies (BOP), commercial auto, and property and casualty insurance options. 



Prices for our real-time exclusive commercial insurance leads vary. One main factor contributing to price is your preferred lead territories (state and county). For commercial insurance, we also offer filters based on the policy type. For example, our prices for worker’s compensation leads, BOP leads, commercial auto leads, or casualty insurance leads can all be different. 

We also offer inbound phone calls from interested business owners who have chosen to call our 800 number instead of filling out our data form. Like our data leads, our phone call leads also vary in price because they can be filtered by location and policy type. Phone call prices will also differ based on the duration (in seconds) at which the call starts. For more specific information about call filtering, duration, and pricing be sure to ask a Benepath representative. 



  • Do you sell any shared leads? 

Benepath works with exclusive leads, meaning they are only sold to one agent. We’ve found that agents have the most success when they are not competing with others over the same client.

  • How are your business leads generated? 

Our leads come from a variety of in-house marketing techniques. Including search engine marketing, search engine optimization, email marketing, display advertising, direct mail, and more. 

  • What filters do you offer for business leads? 

Benepath allows you to customize your leads based on business size, location, coverage type, and more. 

  • Which filters will determine the cost of my leads? 

In general, preferred territory is the main contributing factor for the price of our leads. For example, it may be more expensive to purchase leads for specific counties as opposed to leads for an entire state.

  • How quickly will I receive my leads? 

All of our leads are delivered in real-time, meaning you will get them immediately after they are generated. 

  • Can I return leads? 

Yes. Leads including fake submissions or disconnected numbers will be returned and credited. You will be given an agent portal with your account, through which you will be able to submit return requests. 

  • What kind of agent support do you offer? 

Every new agent will receive a dedicated account manager who can assist you with marketing tips and resources to help ensure success. 


In an industry as competitive as the insurance space, agents are often hard-pressed to find potential business owners in need of a commercial policy. This is where Benepath comes in. Our exclusive real-time data leads and phone calls give you access to pre-qualified individuals who are ready to be converted into clients. For you, this means less time searching for customers, and more time for focusing on establishing relationships and closing sales. In instances where we cannot promptly assign a lead to an agent due to limited availability, specific criteria, or other factors, it may become eligible for shared distribution.

Our generation process allows us to screen commercial insurance leads for specific qualities like business size, industry type, preferred coverage type, and more! This customization ensures that you’ll only receive leads that are relevant to you. Since Benepath’s leads are always produced in real-time and will never be sold to multiple agents. So, you won’t need to worry about competition either. 

And not only do we offer the most high-quality leads, but our sales reps and customer support team are also always available. In fact, every agent who buys from Benepath receives a free guide with our best practices and marketing tips to increase productivity. We truly have all the resources you will need to reach your goals. 

We’ve been helping insurance agents in the commercial insurance space since 2008, and we want to work with you too! Our modern lead generation technology, paired with our dedicated team of insurance and marketing experts creates opportunity for agents at any level. If you’re interested in taking that leap to increase your sales and ROI, please contact us at 888-684-3121 or fill out our form. 

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