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Weak Lead? Or Missed Opportunity?

Weak leads are inevitable. It’s not possible to convert every lead into a sale. But just because you feel like you’ve ended up with a cold lead, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try your best to change the situation. Giving up after only one call could mean missed opportunities. What seemed like a weak lead at first might just be a customer who is not ready to act or commit. There are ways to help push these leads in the right direction without losing them. If you want to work a cold lead, then there are a couple of strategies you can use to turn the situation around. 

Follow Up!

If you have an email address, then shoot your prospect an email.

How often have you heard things like, “I was just looking,” or “I’m not ready yet, I’m just shopping” from leads? You have probably even caught yourself saying those exact words to a salesperson at a store. If you find yourself hearing these phrases on a cold call, don’t push. Instead, try a different tactic and follow up with the lead in a different way. You can email, text, or message them online. You have their information because they were looking for quotes or help with insurance policies, so give them a way to communicate with you that they might feel more comfortable with. They might just need a little more attention – and creativity – than other leads. 

The information that a lead has provided in your application allows you different opportunities to connect with them. You can:

1. Email Instead

If you have an email address, then shoot your prospect an email. Some people do not like talking on the phone, so an email is one way to get their attention and a response. You can also add them to your drip emails. This will give them some information about your business, let them know how they can reach you when they need help, and keep your name on their minds. It is a subtle yet effective way to get a lead on board.

If you were able to get enough information from them while on the phone, then send them an email with a quote so they can reply when they are ready. Whenever possible, always send a quote. Sending general information is okay, but is often not enough to get someone’s attention. Personalized quotes will make a difference. 

2. Send Some Snail Mail

As outdated as people think this is, it still works! Everyone checks their mailboxes everyday, and it  can be an especially effective way to communicate with older prospects. Personalize the letter as much as possible before sending it out. 

two women sitting at a table talking

3. Visit The Lead

While digital meetings have become much more common these days, one way to reach out to your lead and stand out in their minds is by having an in-person meeting with them. If the information on the application is correct, and they live close by, then stop by their home. Bring a small gift to offer with your information and, if they are not home, then leave it all on their doorstep. 

Don’t Be Overly Aggressive

Patience is a virtue. Many agents often give up too quickly, and write off a cold lead after the first call. You have to build relationships and establish trust with prospects. But it’s all about balance – if you are overly aggressive, then you risk scaring off your lead and losing their business completely. As outlined above, there are ways to reach the lead the right way without being aggressive. There are true cold leads out there, but most of the time you can find a way to get a quote to someone – it may just take a little extra effort on your part. And if you can get a quote to someone, you might just convert a cold lead into a good sale. 

Finding good leads shouldn’t be hard, which is why Benepath offers exclusive real-time leads. We provide you all the information the lead gives us, so you don’t have to worry about jumping through hoops to reach them. You can receive leads by text, email, and we can sync to your CRM. Not only do we assign your lead exclusively to you, but we also give you the ability to create your own branded thank you page, so your lead knows your name, business, and biography as soon as they complete our form.

About The Author:
Picture of Cassandra Love
Cassandra Love

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