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Mastering Insurance Sales: Recognizing Social Cues

Insurance agent mastering insurance sales techniques while talking to a client on the phone.

The art of insurance sales isn’t just about what you say, it’s also about when you say it. Depending on how you think about it, it’s also about what you don’t say! So how do you know when the right time to say the right thing is? Well, unfortunately there isn’t a one size fits all answer. While every insurance salesperson operates differently, there are some tips that everyone should learn to follow. 

As the 1996 movie Jerry Maguire put it— “You had me at hello.” This is a perfect example of what happens so often during the insurance sales process. Many agents go on spouting off information and selling points to a prospect even after they’ve already given signals indicating they’re ready to buy. While there are all sorts of complex selling techniques out there, sometimes it simply comes down to recognizing what the consumer wants in real time. Now, this is easier said than done, but don’t worry! To help you improve your close rate and relationship building skills, we’re going to explore a variety of buying cues, and sales tips. 

Recognize Visual Cues to Improve Insurance Sales

In the modern era, most insurance sales take place remotely. With that being said, understanding visual cues is still vitally important for virtual and in-person meetings. When it comes to communication, body language often speaks louder than words. Keeping this in mind, let’s explore some specific visual cues that tend to come up during insurance sales meetings.

  • Eye Contact and Nods: When prospects keep steady eye contact and nod while you speak, they are indicating interest. These visual clues show that they are paying close attention to your ideas and are likely to agree with your message. Nodding, in particular, is a subconscious agreement reflex suggesting that the prospect is cognitively agreeing with you, even if they haven’t vocally demonstrated it yet. This is the first indication that they are approaching readiness.
  • Relaxed Posture: Prospects who lean back comfortably on their chairs, generally exhibit confidence and trust. Their guard is down, and they are likely ready to move forward. It indicates that they no longer feel the need to protect themselves from being sold and are now willing to wrap up the conversation. When you notice a relaxed demeanor, especially when combined with verbal cues, it’s clear that they’re ready to make a decision. 
  • Smiling or Leaning In: A positive facial expression is like a green traffic light, telling you to move forward with confidence. When a prospect smiles, leans in, or even mimics your motions, this is a demonstration of trust. It indicates that the “feeling out” stage has passed, and the relationship has progressed to a point of comfortability. When this happens, you don’t need to delve deeper into selling points or additional benefits. Instead, focus on closing the sales. 

Using Audio Cues to Close Insurance Sales

Auditory cues are especially crucial when making an insurance sale over the phone. Since you can’t rely on body language, tone of voice and word selection are your key clues. Listening closely can help you pinpoint the exact moment when a potential customer is ready to buy.

  • Positive Language: “That makes sense,” or “I can see how this would be a good fit for me,” are clear verbal signals that the prospect is on board with your plan. These phrases are short yet powerful, indicating that the consumer sees themselves benefiting from your product or service. Once you hear this sort of language, it’s time to move on to sealing the deal.
  • Seeking Clarification: When someone asks about timetables, pricing, or next actions, they are mentally ready to take action. These questions are frequently clues that they have already made up their mind and are just working out the details. For example, when they ask, “So how long does it take to get everything started?” or “What’s the next step in the process?” they are already picturing themselves as your client. At this time, you can confidently start closing the sale.
  • Tone of Voice: Pay close attention to the changes in tone throughout the conversation. A more optimistic, excited, or confident tone usually indicates that the prospect is in a good mental state and eager to move on. However, if they sound uncertain or far removed, they may need some additional reassurance. 

The Art of Silence in Insurance Sales 

One of the most difficult aspects of selling is recognizing when to stop speaking. Overselling is usually more harmful than underselling since it creates uncertainty and sometimes confusion. When a prospect exhibits buying signals to you, it’s critical to move from selling and start the closing process. 

  • Learn to Recognize the Moment: Recognizing the exact time to stop talking takes practice, but it boils down to looking for the indicators we’ve mentioned. When a prospect smiles, inquires about future actions, or uses affirming language, it is time to stop selling and begin closing. Using simple phrases like “Shall we move forward?” or “Let’s get you started” is usually a good segway to the next step. 
  • Close the Sale: When it comes to closing, be direct. Again, use simple language “Let’s get you signed up” or “Shall we go ahead with this?” After this it’s crucial that you stop talking and wait for their response. This wait is necessary and should not be overlooked. It allows the prospect to make a choice without feeling pressured, which usually results in a smoother, more natural close to the pitch. 
  • The Power of Silence: Silence is an effective closing technique. After offering the next step, give the prospect ample time to process their thoughts and respond accordingly. Too often in insurance sales, agents will fill the silence with unnecessary words or anecdotes. This is counterproductive as it tends to overwhelm prospects. Instead, after laying your final points, let the silence do the work for you. The next person to talk should be the client confirming the sale. 

Closing the Deal: Don’t Talk Yourself Out of Insurance Sales

Prospects who already know their needs and wants tend to make decisions very quickly. In fact, many insurance consumers make up their minds within the first few minutes of a meeting. When encountering these types of prospects, it’s crucial to know when to stop selling. In fact, if you continue talking when someone already knows what they want to buy, it can actually deter them from going through with the purchase. 

  • Quick Decisions Makers: Don’t do more work than you have to. By paying attention to the discussed verbal and audio cues, you should have an idea pretty early about the buyers intent and confidence in making a purchase. Once you realize that their mind is made up, STOP SELLING. Continuing your pitch will simply slow things up and could muddy up the waters. Instead, quickly transition into the closing details. 

Trust Your Instincts to Close More Insurance Sales

In the world of insurance sales, knowing when a prospect is ready to buy is key to closing more deals. As we’ve learned, effective communication is vitally important, but even more important is being able to pick up on client cues. It’s crucial to keep in mind that these cues come in all forms—verbal and auditory, so make sure that you’re looking out for both! Over time, these cues will become more and more obvious to you and will prompt you to continue on to the next stage in the sales process. 

Additionally, you must understand when it’s time to be quiet. Over-explaining can cause unnecessary doubt, whereas calmness helps to ease the buyer and helps them feel more in control. Above all, trust your instincts—as an insurance salesperson, you know that everyone has different preferences, therefore one approach won’t work on every client. It’s more about detecting the prospects readiness as opposed to simply delivering your solution. 

The insurance industry is extremely competitive, and it is stressful when you’re not performing to the best of your ability. At Benepath, we want you to know that you’re not alone on your journey towards success. is a central hub offering amazing insights and tips for insurance agents to help you reach your goals. We also offer the highest quality insurance leads to help give agents a little extra boost. So what are you waiting for? For more tips and resources visit the “Resources” section of our homepage, and if you’re interested in growing your business with our insurance leads, just fill out a form or call us at 888-684-3121 to get started. 


About The Author:
Picture of Kyle Mehlman
Kyle Mehlman
Kyle Mehlman is Marketing Coordinator specializing in SEO, copywriting and content creation. In 2021, Kyle graduated from the University of North Carolina, with a degree in Journalism and Media.

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