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How To Get More Revenue With Drip Emails

Drip emails. These can bring in a lot of revenue for your business. It will help you attract the right subscribers, keep them engaged, and get them to commit to your call to action. These emails offer businesses a new way to communicate with customers, which can lead to more revenue. However, there is a method to being successful with these kinds of emails. It has to be all about relevance and timing. Go about it all wrong, and you will lose customers, and a sale.

What Are Drip Emails?

laptop opened with an opened envelope on it with many unopened envelopes floating out
Drip emails is a marketing strategy. They offer businesses a new way to communicate with customers, which can lead to more revenue.

Drip emails is a marketing strategy. It consists of multiple emails sent out at a specific date and time in order to draw in clients. The emails go to customers after they have visited your site, and sign up for an email list through a form. The emails are usually pre-written, and sent in order to motivate customers to talk with you, and eventually close a sale with them. Consider them baby steps into building a relationship with your customer.

The reason they are called drip emails, are because they are sent out at different times to subscribers to update them on helpful information, products, and notifications over time. These emails should use timing and behavioral triggers to send automated messages. 

For example, when you are into a certain product, you generally sign up for their email subscriptions. This way you get to learn all the promotions, new product information, sales, etc. The continuous emails are considered drip emails. 


Drip campaigns are a great way to consistently grow with time-consuming, demanding or delicate tasks. It will lead to more revenue by luring customers. Not only are you educating your leads, but you are promoting your product, while rewarding them. 

picture of graph with bars going up over time with a red marker line above it drawn by a hand with a marker.
Drip emails produce a 119% increase in click rate!

The more you personalize your email, then the more your customers will feel a connection, and more likely to work with you. 

More Engagement

Drip campaigns bring in more revenue because it raises engagement with customers. 119% increase in click rate! With these kinds of emails, you will engage more with your customers without having to meet with them. You stay connected with them and it doesnt need your constant attention. These emails should be monitored and tested by marketing teammates, but do not need much creating and sending. 

More conversation is created with drip emails. You keep an ongoing conversation between you and your subscribers.  You slowly build a relationship with the person, while promoting your brand and product. 

How To Create Successful Drip Emails

There are a number of different drip email types. There are the welcoming emails, the onboarding emails which tries to convert free trial customers with nurture. Re-engagement emails tried to pull inactive prospects back into working with your company again, and confirmation emails telling a person their order is complete and thanking them for using your services. 

In order to create successful campaigns that will keep your client engaged, you must:

  • Consider the customer– Approach is everything. If the customer is new and inquiring about your business, then a lot of nurturing and relationship building is important. Focus on the customer’s needs and adjust your emails accordingly.
  • Space Out!– Spacing out your emails are important. You do not want to fire emails back to back, and you also don’t want to space them out too far that the customer loses interest. Be consistent and stick to no more than one a day.

    different social media apps on a cellphone screen.
    Try to lead your customers to other channels you have, like social media.
  • Write quality over quantity– Write valuable content to your customers that are short and to the point at first. Get personal and avoid marketing language. Set deadlines and exclusive deals and write compelling messages.
  • Connect Channels– In your emails, make sure to try to lead your customers to other channels you have. For example, if your company is on social media, add in your email “follow us on Facebook!”
  • Test Your Campaigns– Sometimes things will not work. Automated emails should be tended to and you should always reevaluate and adjust to perfect them.
About The Author:
Picture of Cassandra Love
Cassandra Love
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