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Changes for Comparison Shopping Websites

Disclaimer The following content is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. Please consult your legal counsel for advice regarding your specific situation and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Recent regulatory changes by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) have significantly changed the foreseeable landscape for comparison shopping websites. In the past, these platforms generally utilized broad consent forms that cover multiple sellers, similar to a catch-all. 


As soon as this rule is enacted, comparison websites will be forced to secure individual, specific consent for each listed seller that’s listed. The purpose of this regulatory change is to safeguard customers against unsolicited messages. As well as guarantee that their explicit consent is obtained. Understanding and adapting to these changes is crucial for insurance agents in order to be compliant. And to preserve their competitive edge into the future.

The FCC Rule Changes Explained

According to the new FCC regulations, every seller on a comparison shopping platform is required to obtain express, individual consent from each consumer before engaging with them. This is a drastic change from the “old way” of doing things. Where the one-time consent of an individual would cover multiple businesses or agents and their right to contact the consumer. 


Now, every single agent or business wishing to communicate with a consumer must gain their own consent. This change places a stronger emphasis on consumer rights and attempts to stop businesses from bombarding customers with unsolicited messages. 


The most important takeaway for agents is to understand how crucial it is to obtain explicit consent. Additionally, agents should also consider the possible consequences of not doing so. Which includes fines, penalties or a decline in customer confidence.

Impact on Insurance Agents 

For insurance agents, these new consent rules have significant ramifications. They require a shift in focus from quantity of leads to improving the quality of each lead. For instance, it’s currently possible that an agent could receive a list of leads from a comparison website without getting individual consent for each. Once the new legislation is enacted, agents will have to ensure that every lead has explicitly agreed to be contacted. While this may result in a decrease in overall volume, the quality of each lead will increase, and the chances of sales will therefore increase. 

Other Challenges/Opportunities

  • More Personalized Interactions: Since every consumer will have fully consented to being contacted, it makes personalized communication techniques even more important. Take the time to get to know each consumer and focus on having a meaningful conversation with them. Instead of seeming like a number among a list of hundreds of other leads, you now know that each consumer is expecting to talk to you, so make it worth their while. 
  • Emphasis on Lead Segmentation: Going forward it will be more important for agents to properly segment their leads according to which consumers are likely to value and respond to their offerings. This type of target approach oftentimes leads to more efficient advertising efforts and ultimately, higher conversion rates. 

Strategies for Adaptation 

To properly adjust to the rule changes, insurance agent should take the following tactics into account: 



  • Improve Transparency with Clients: Clear communication is everything! Take the time to make sure that consumers understand the consent process. Additionally, make it clear to them what information of theirs is being shared, who will have access to it and how it will be used.
  • Invest in Education: It’s a good idea to invest in ways to educate both your team and the consumers you work with. It’s important that everyone fully grasps the nuances of the new regulations. For team members, these resources will help everyone stay compliant. For consumers, educational resources will help to build a greater sense of trust. Examples of educational tools include hosting webinars, or creating informative content like videos, infographics and brochures. 
  • Refining Lead Generation Strategies: Agents should make sure that they are focusing on customers who are more likely to consent to direct communications. You can do this  by refining your lead generation strategies to focus more on specific individuals. This might include using advanced analytics to gain a deeper understanding of customer behavior.

Collaboration with Comparison Shopping Platforms 

To navigate these new regulations, effective collaboration with comparison shopping platforms is essential. In order to guarantee that consent procedures are clear and seamlessly incorporated into the user experience, agents should work closely and communicate regularly with representatives from these platforms.


  • Simplifying Consent Procedures: Create user-friendly, streamlined consent procedures that are incorporated into the online comparison websites. This may entail the inclusion of checkboxes for each available seller. Another option is to provide separate opt-in forms for each different type of communication.
  • Leveraging Technology for Compliance: To accurately and efficiently track consent, utilize CRM systems and other technological solutions. With the help of this technology, you can ensure that all communications are compliant. The use of a CRM system or other software will also provide a transparent record of consent for each consumer. This will come in handy in the case of an audit or dispute.
  • Prioritizing Data Security and Management: Agents should look to collaborate with platforms that place a high priority on the management of consent procedures and data security. These types of partnerships will help to guarantee that all information gathered is handled safely and in accordance with FCC guidelines.

All in All

The way comparison shopping websites and insurance agents operate is changing due to the newest FCC regulatory changes. While the changes will likely cause some initial challenges, there are a number of ways that you can prepare for the industry shift. 


By understanding the new requirements, working to improve your strategic operations, and effectively collaborating with comparison website partners, you’ll not only successfully comply with the new regulations, you’ll also improve the quality of interactions you have with consumers. 


The road ahead may hold some twists and turns, but by accepting and adapting to these changes, customers will trust you more and your business will uphold a stellar reputation for years to come. 


If you would like further information or help understanding the new FCC requirements, Benepath is your go-to resource! Our business has worked in the insurance lead generation space for over 20 years, so you could say we’re experts in this game. In addition to offering a wide variety of high-intent insurance leads, we also want to simply help every insurance agent become the best professional they can be! To learn more, feel free to get in touch with us by simply filling out a form, or calling us at 888-684-3121

About The Author:
Picture of Kyle Mehlman
Kyle Mehlman
Kyle Mehlman is Marketing Coordinator specializing in SEO, copywriting and content creation. In 2021, Kyle graduated from the University of North Carolina, with a degree in Journalism and Media.

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