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Medicare: The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Selling Medicare Supplement plans is a very rewarding job. Not only do you get to help seniors save money, but you get a residual income. In other words, Medicare is the gift that keeps on giving. But how?

Medicare Sales At All-Time High

man's hand with a blue marker going up in a line. the words "revenue"
Selling Medicare Supplement plans can give you a continuous revenue.

The AARP has found that each day 10,000 Baby Boomers turn 65 in America, a figure expected to continue well into the 2030’s. This is great news for Medicare agents. Many seniors cannot afford their Medicare Part B bills because they are on a fixed income, so they search for ways to help pay for it. This is where you come in to save the day with a Medicare Supplement plan. With the growth of the aging population, and increase in Medicare sales, there is no better time to sell Medicare!

Seven Years Of Commission

You read that right, when you make a Medicare Supplement sale, you will have a built-in commission for 7 years. This is where the residual income comes into play. Once you sell a Supplement plan, clients are commonly re-written year after year. 

Let’s take a look at an example to simplify things. When you first make a sale, you spend $400 on leads to make that sale, and make a commission of $400.  But because the consumer will likely sign (on average) for 8 years, there are 7 years worth of profits that can be made on that one sale. That equates to a $2800 profit for the life of that sale. So even though you have spent money on marketing and buying the lead, you still make that money back and more. You’re constantly winning.

The example below represents the residual income you could make over the years, assuming that  you’re making $30,000 in new commissions each year:

Maintain Your Relationships!

Although you can keep earning a commission for 7 years, you can’t just forget about your customers. People are more willing to buy from someone they know and trust. Be sure to follow up with your clients to make sure they are happy with your product, and  keep the relationship going. Some may want to make changes to their plans or enroll in a new plan. You want to make sure you are the one they turn to when this happens, so that you get the commission. 

Do not snooze on Medicare Supplement sales or on your current clients. Medicare sales are through the roof because of the aging population. If done right, you will earn a 7 year commission on just one sale. Medicare leads are the gifts that keep on giving even after you spend your marketing dollars to acquire them.

About The Author:
Picture of Cassandra Love
Cassandra Love

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