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Final Expense Leads — Work Them Diligently to Grow Your Agency

Selling insurance is difficult, but there are ways to succeed. Do not give up on yourself, because all things are possible when it comes to selling insurance.

One of the biggest reasons agents fail is because they give up on themselves and decide they cannot sell final expense insurance, that no one wants it and that their dream of being successful is just smoke and mirrors. One of the biggest myths held by many agents is that they only need to speak to people about insurance and they will see the light of day and purchase a policy. Although that sounds easy, it is anything but.

If selling insurance were as simple as telling someone why they need it, all agents selling final expense insurance would have booming businesses. While some do, others do not. What is the difference between the successful agents and the not so successful agents? Often the answer is lack of a specific skill set. Selling insurance is not a skill mastered overnight. It may take many months or years, depending on an agent’s learning curve.

New agents often find themselves in a panic on a daily basis wondering where their next meal is going to come from. Being on commission can either develop an agent’s skills very quickly or else encourage them to seek a salaried position elsewhere. However, with the right training, a positive mindset and the drive to succeed no matter what, any agent, even if they are new to selling final expense insurance, can work those leads like a pro and succeed.

Where does an agent start? Right from the very beginning. Ask other agents how they sell final expense insurance and how they work the leads they get from a lead generation company. Find out how they talk to their customers about that kind of policy, how often they keep in touch, what information they send, how they make their customers and potential customers feel like friends and not a sales target. There is a knack to it and if you are selling insurance because you want to help people, then you are bound to learn quickly and learn what works the best for you.

The reality is that a lead is just a lead. It does not work itself. It does not convert on its own. It does not say yes to whatever you propose. It does not always appreciate your phone call either, no matter if they asked for information. While this can be upsetting, the point is to not take it personally and keep working with a prospect to show them you are genuinely committed to helping them find what they need, not sell them something they wish they had never agreed to in the first place.

Most importantly, when you work leads, maintain a business mindset. It’s not enough to chat on the phone and provide information to people asking about insurance policies. All leads must be worked with due diligence. An agent needs to be prepared for the ups and downs of working with leads and needs to realize that success is only to be had in the long-term. Nothing worth working for happens overnight. Invest in yourself and the rest follows.

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Benepath Blogger

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