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The Most Cost-Effective Marketing Route: Snail Mail Vs Internet Medicare Supplement Leads

Finding Medicare supplement leads can be as time-consuming or as simple as you make it.

For a number of years, direct mail was the go-to method to generate Medicare supplement leads. Cards were mailed out to specific target areas, and interested people replied asking for further information. From there, the agent made appointments and explained the various Medicare supplements available. The cards were and are nicely designed, attractive and well-written works of practical graphic design. They included postage paid for the return. If the cards captured a potential customer’s attention, and he or she asked you to call, half of your work was already done.

Some agents still find that direct mail really works well for them. Every insurance agent, especially newer ones, will not find them effective, but direct mail is still worth considering in combination with internet leads purchased from a lead generation company.

But you may also want to try buying leads from a lead generation company. When you call to order leads, you get an immediate list of pre-screened prospects who have expressed an interest in Medicare supplements. Communication can be instant. No more waiting for people to return cards that they may have lost or forgotten about. The leads you receive though the internet allow you to work in real time, make calls and set up appointments quickly. Exclusive leads are a bit more expensive than shared leads. However, the exclusive leads, which are only sent to you, convert at a higher ratio than working leads shared with several other agents.

Some agents still prefer direct mail because it works for them. However, if you have very little time to pursue this labor-intensive style of marketing, you may find buying leads from a lead generation company to be more lucrative, immediate and trustworthy. Certainly if you are in a hurry to make as many sales as you can, internet leads are a better time investment than mail cards.

Working online is simply the faster, easier way to build your insurance agency. The internet accelerates your ability to respond, make appointments and close sales.

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Benepath Blogger

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