Selling health insurance can be extremely lucrative, but it’s also extremely competitive. To be successful in the insurance industry one must be both able to generate, and convert high-quality leads, into satisfied clients. Simply put, even if you’re the best salesperson in the world. If you lack a sufficient amount of leads, you’re going to struggle. With all that being said, we’re here to help you understand the intricacies of lead generation. So you can increase your customer base, and ultimately your revenue. By equipping you with the necessary tools, you’ll be able to reach new heights in the industry, and never look back.
Not All Leads Are Created Equal
Before getting more into specific strategies it’s important to understand what a high-quality health insurance lead is. A lead is simply a potential client who’s expressing interest in purchasing a health insurance policy. Unfortunately, though, just because someone requests a quote or expresses interest in another way, doesn’t mean that they’re actually serious about making a purchase. For example, someone may explore health insurance options online just to see what the market looks like. Even though they aren’t eligible for a policy until the following year. This would be a low-intent lead. On the other hand, high-quality or high-intent leads are those that have a genuine need for insurance in the near future. Additionally, a high-quality lead will have the financial capability to purchase a policy in a timely manner.
Analyzing the Market
Before you even think about putting a marketing strategy in place, it’s important that you understand your target market. To do this, you’ll need to identify your ideal customer, and then research their needs, preferences, demographics, and behaviors. By analyzing the market, you can be sure that your marketing strategy aligns with the audience at hand.
The Top Ways to Generate Health Insurance Leads
When it comes to generating health insurance leads there are two main categories— generating them yourself, and working with a generation partner. Both have their own distinct advantages, and oftentimes, the most successful agents use a combination of the two to generate their pool of interested consumer leads. Let’s take a look at both approaches.
Strategies for Generating Your Own Leads
There are a variety of ways you can go about generating your own health insurance leads. Here are some of the most efficient tactics:
- Digital Marketing: In the modern era, digital marketing is key for almost all businesses and the insurance industry is no different. Utilizing various online platforms can be a game changer, helping connect qualified individuals with you, for a fairly affordable price. Here are some of the more common digital marketing practices:
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimizing your personal website and the content included helps you to rank higher in the search engine results. By choosing the proper keywords, and including them in your content and tags. You’ll increase the visibility of your brand to those who are searching for health options.
- Social Media Marketing: The sheer number of people that use social media on a daily basis warrants, adding this marketing approach to your business. By sharing insightful content related to health insurance, you’ll find individuals who are more inclined to interact with your brand. Additionally, most platforms have tools to run highly targeted campaigns, and track your ad metrics in order to maximize your ROI.
- Content Marketing: This includes blog posts, infographics, videos and more. High-quality content helps to attract leads in more organic fashion helping to drive down your costs, and increase your credibility in the space.
- Email Marketing: Email campaigns are oftentimes effective in generating leads too. Try creating personalized emails that not only prompt individuals to get health insurance, but that also provide value. This could be tips for choosing the right plan, industry insights, or anything else to keep potential or current clients engaged.
Partnering with a Lead Generation Company: The Benepath Advantage
The tactics listed above can greatly improve your lead generating efforts, but they also cost money, time, and experience. Insurance agents who are looking for a less time-consuming answer may find working with a lead generation company, like Benepath, to be an appealing substitute. This section discusses the advantages of using a lead generating business. As well as the reasons Benepath stands out as the best option for insurance agents.
Lead generation firms are experts at drawing in and gathering prospective customers with a particular need, such as health insurance. These businesses acquire leads using a variety of marketing techniques, qualify them, and then offer them to insurance agents. This model has a number of benefits:
- Efficiency: Saves time and money by hiring professionals to handle the difficult and drawn-out lead generation process.
- Quality: When working with a reputable lead generation company, the leads you purchase are pre-qualified, which raises the overall chance of conversion. Additionally, Benepath employs cutting-edge anti-fraud technology to ensure that every lead you buy contains legitimate consumer information, and never bots.
- Scalability: With a large arsenal of leads being generated on a daily basis, you won’t have to worry about raising or lowering the volume of your orders. This makes it easy to match your selling capacity with the quantity of leads you buy.
- Customization: With filtering options such as geographic locations, volume, number of dependents, and more available, you can easily specify what leads work best for you. That way you only receive what you want.
- Focus: Rather than dividing your attention between generating leads and selling policies, you’ll have more time to concentrate on nurturing and turning leads into clients.
- Support: Beyond simply selling leads, Benepath also promises to maximize agent success by providing a variety of tools and resources. Every partnered agent gains access to their own portal where they can track lead progress. As well as key insights to help optimize their marketing and sales techniques. Additionally, we have a trusted team who is always available to help you achieve your goals!
Final Thoughts
The process of generating and converting health insurance leads requires hard work and oftentimes, multiple strategies. As an agent there are various ways to generate your own leads in house. Such as social media, email marketing, SEO, content and much more. The key is to gain a firm understanding of who your target audience is, vary your techniques, track your progress and optimize according to the results.
While we have no doubt that you’ll be successful generating your own leads. There’s no shame in complementing your own tactics with a trusted lead generation partner like Benepath. With a mix of self-generated leads and high-quality outsourced leads, your worries about volume will fly out the door, so all you’ll have to do is focus on selling policies. If you’re interested in gaining the Benepath advantage by working with us, or simply want to learn more about what we do, simply fill out a form or give us a call at 888-684-3121.