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Which Insurance Products Should I Sell?

Which Insurance Products Should I Sell? text overlaying image of stacking blocks with graphics of types of insurance printed on them

Which Insurance Products Should I Sell? text overlaying image of stacking blocks with graphics of types of insurance printed on themAs a newly established insurance agent one of the most important decisions you will make is figuring out which insurance products you’re going to sell. The insurance industry is highly competitive, and with so many different products to choose from, determining the right one for you can be challenging to say the least. In order to make an effective and informed decision, it will pay to weigh the various pros and cons of different insurance products. While also keeping your goals in mind. From health insurance to life coverage and everything in between, we will examine some of the most common insurance products. It is our hope that by delving into the benefits and downsides of each product, you will be more likely to be successful in the industry since you’ll be making a more educated decision. 

Health Insurance (Under-65)


  • High and steady demand: with healthcare costs continuing to rise, the demand for a comprehensive health plan among families and individuals is at an all time high. With millions of Americans needing coverage every year, there is a consistent need for health insurance. 
  • Recurring commission and client loyalty: Since individuals need insurance all throughout the year, another advantage is the opportunity for recurring commission and income. Additionally, since health policies must be renewed each year, you have the opportunity to form relationships. Increasing your chances of retaining clients far into the future. 
  • Upselling Opportunities: Since health insurance policies are oftentimes highly customizable, you will have many upselling opportunities. A common example of upselling when it comes to health coverage, is suggesting supplemental insurance such as vision or dental to a client. 


  • Competitive market: The health insurance market is more competitive than many other insurance products in terms of the number of agents, brokers, and agents who are already established. This factor can make it sometimes difficult for new agents to get their foot in the door so to speak. 
  • Regulatory changes and other complexities: The healthcare industry is highly regulated, making it subject to many compliance and other regulatory changes each year. Additionally, health policies themselves can be complex with numerous coverage options and details that must be accounted for. Not to mention the fact that coverage packages generally change from year to year as well. This can be challenging as health agents must always be informed and up-to-date on the newest information. 



  • Growing population: With the average life expectancy constantly on the rise, the population of seniors in the United States is now higher than ever. This trend presents a high-demand for agents dealing specifically with Medicare products. 
  • Client retention and referrals: Similarly to under-65 health insurance, satisfied Medicare clients are highly likely to remain loyal, presenting renewal and referral opportunities each year. 
  • Renewal commissions: Medicare agents generally receive commissions for renewed coverage plans. Since Medicare clients have to revisit their policy every year. Constant income is almost a guarantee. 


  • Various products: Medicare coverage is oftentimes sold in a variety of different parts such as Medicare part A, Part B, Part C and Part D. The diversity of plans and options can make the process confusing for both clients and agents. 
  • Compliance and regulations: Medicare plans must meet strict compliance and regulation requirements that are constantly changing. Staying informed, and navigating all of the moving parts can be a hassle for some agents. 
  • Highly competitive: At the end of the day, Medicare is a form of health insurance and like under-65 coverage, the number of agents and brokers is high. This can cause difficulties for less established agents, especially during open enrollment

Life Insurance 


  • Emotional value prop: When you sell life insurance, you are offering individuals and families protection during a very difficult time. By being an attentive agent, you can provide a peace of mind to clients. So they have one less thing to worry about during the unfortunate circumstance of death. 
  • Higher commission rates: In general, life insurance policies have higher associated commissions for the agent at hand. 


  • Ongoing training: With complex policy details and changes in underwriting, life insurance agents generally have to invest in ongoing education which can cost money and take up time. 
  • Lengthy sales process: Since purchasing life insurance can be a more complicated decision for individuals compared to health coverage for example, the time it takes to close a sale can be much longer. 
  • Not as many renewals: Since life coverage either lasts until someone passes away or for an extended number of years (term coverage), renewal opportunities and the associated commissions are few and far between. 

Group Health Insurance


  • Larger base of clients: Group insurance is generally offered by an employer to all of their employees. Keeping this in mind, the potential to tackle a big number of policies all at once, is likely with group coverage. 
  • More predictable renewals: If you provide stellar customer service to an organization, the likelihood of them wanting to renew with you is high. Especially since business owners normally already have a lot on their plate. Renewing with a reliable agent will be one less thing that they need to think about. 
  • Higher premiums equal higher commissions: A lot of people decide to work with group health insurance due to the premiums being higher than individual lines of insurance. In turn, since you are dealing with a bulk number of policies, the commission will usually be higher too. 


  • Multiple decision makers: When selling a group policy, since you have to deal with organizations, there will oftentimes be more than one individual whose input is considered during the decision making process. This can make it more difficult to ultimately close sales. 
  • Multitude of policies can be complex: While dealing with a bulk number of policies can make your commissions increase, it can also be overwhelming. Especially, when dealing with a large corporation, with so many individuals at hand, each with unique preferences. Making sure that the coverage is meeting everyone’s needs.

Commercial Insurance 


  • Highly customizable: Since the term commercial insurance includes various different coverages such as, general liability, property and casualty, workers compensations, commercial auto and more, you will have many opportunities to upsell, cross-sell and bundle plans. 
  • Large commission opportunities: Commercial insurance plans have much higher policy limits compared to personal policies. In short, the higher the policy limit is, the higher the agent’s commission will be.
  • Growing market and rates: In recent years, both the number of businesses in need of commercial coverage and the cost of commercial premiums have increased. This presents a constant flow of clients, and a high return on investment. 


  • Coverage options can be overwhelming: With the risks associated with certain types of companies, and the numerous coverage options available, selling commercial coverage is oftentimes not as straightforward as other products. 
  • Dominated by established agencies: While commercial insurance provides many lucrative opportunities, due much to the complexity of the industry, a select number of insurance agencies dominate the market. This can make it harder for less established agents. 
  • More considerations during the sales process: When dealing with a variety of risks associated with a particular type of business, the time it takes for executives to make a decision about a policy can be lengthy. 

Auto Insurance


  • Legal requirements increase the demand: Since it is required by law in most U.S. states to have auto insurance if you own a vehicle, the demand for these types of policies are always high. The volume of consumers can make for a very profitable career. 
  • Bundling opportunities: It is quite common for a single household to have multiple insured drivers and vehicles. However, the opportunity to pair multiple drivers onto a single policy is frequent. Additionally, auto insurance is oftentimes in a bundle with other coverages like home, renters or umbrella insurance. 


  • Claims process can be time consuming: When accidents occur, you will be the one who has to deal with the claims process for clients. This process can take up a lot of time that could otherwise be spent elsewhere. 
  • High number of agents: While the legal requirements provide an abundance of drivers in need of auto insurance, the flip side is that there are a lot of agents and carriers working in the field. 
  • Competitive pricing: With so many people in need and so many agents available, consumers are likely to shop around for the best deal. In fact, since insurance is usually required. Many people with financial strains will focus all their attention on the price point. This makes it harder to stay competitive for smaller agents and agencies. 

The Choice is Yours 

When deciding on what type of insurance you’re going to sell, there is a lot to keep in mind. Ultimately, it comes down to your local market, your personal interests, and your future goals. These three factors will help you determine which products are best for you. Additionally, when making considerations, think about and research things like the coverage options, cross-selling opportunities, commission payouts, market size and other relevant industry trends. While every type of insurance has its upsides and downfalls for agents. What matters most is your dedication and commitment to excellent customer service. By keeping all of this in mind, and making your decision carefully, you will have no problem in this industry despite its competitive nature. 


If you are an insurance agent who is looking for an easy way to increase your contact and sales rates. Our insurance leads could be the solution! At Benepath we’ve been helping agents of all kinds for over 15 years. By providing them with our exclusive lead generation services. We offer both data leads and inbound phone calls. All of which are produced in real-time, in the multiple verticals. Including health, Medicare, life, group health, and commercial insurance. If you want to take your business to the next level, fill out a form or give us a call today at 888-684-3121

About The Author:
Picture of Cassandra Love
Cassandra Love
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