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A Health Insurance Agent’s Guide to the OEP

The ACA Open Enrollment Period, or OEP, is right around the corner. Once November hits, it will be without a doubt one of the most overwhelming and hectic times for insurance agents. Not only will you be trying to catch up with current clients, who might have changing needs, but you will also have to continue to bring in new clients to help your business grow. All of this might seem like a lot – you might even begin to panic as the OEP gets closer – but this guide will help you fully prepare and remain confident going into this intense time!

Prepare, Prepare, Prepare!

Would you take a test without fully preparing for it? Probably not. And neither should you go into the OEP without preparing, since this time is a major opportunity for insurance agents. Remember, November 1st will be here before you know it! 

Preparing for the OEP now will allow you to maximize your written policies and get ahead of the competition. To do this: 

hand over different forms of communications

  • Make contact with potential clients now
  • Schedule their appointments
  • Make sure that all of your FAQ sheets are up to date

This is also a great time to set goals, such as how many policies you are hoping to sell, how many renewals you’re hoping to get, or how many current clients you are going to help change plans. 

The next step is to determine how you are going to reach these goals, and a good place to start is with your marketing strategy.

Marketing Is a Must

To meet your goals, you’ll need a good marketing strategy, which will help you find customers that match your filters and then guide them towards you. Generally, a good place to start is by heading to social media, and by creating helpful content. Consider providing information that answers the frequently asked questions people are asking during the OEP. Not enough time for marketing and all your other work? Consider hiring someone to do your marketing for you, at least during the OEP.


stopwatch with the word deadline
Aim to call a prospect within 5 minutes of their request!

Although the OEP is going to be a hectic time, and it’s going to be hard to keep track of everyone, following up is crucial to the success of your business. You have to immediately reach out to a customer after receiving a request or interest, since the OEP provides only a very limited time frame. 

While you might normally have a little more leeway, at this time aim to call a prospect within 5 minutes of their request, because waiting too long might just cost you. And if you do reach out to a lead within 5 minutes and don’t get a response, follow up with an email to schedule a day and time to connect with them – and be sure to follow up with your appointment!

Looking For Leads?

The ACA Open Enrollment Period is a busy time for a lot of agents, but if you’re still looking to build your client list, come to Benepath! Working with Benepath means you’ll be able to free up more of your time and increase your sales. We offer you real-time exclusive leads who are warmed up and ready to purchase an insurance plan. You just have to provide us with the days and times you are available so that we can send you live transfer calls during your specific hours. 

In short, we do all the work for you, finding you pre-qualified leads and simply passing them off to you to make the sale. Benepath will provide you with better tools, more guidance, unsurpassed sales training, and techniques from the most successful agents and trainers in the industry, not to mention the best leads available! To get more information, fill out the form below or call 866-368-0377.

About The Author:
Picture of Cassandra Love
Cassandra Love
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