Talk to us today

Kansas Individual Health Insurance Leads

Are you an agent in Wichita, Overland Park,  or Topeka looking for quality 100% exclusive health insurance leads?

We not only advertise that we sell exclusive leads to you- the agent, but we also tell the prospective insurance leads that by signing up with us they will only hear from one agent!

View us as your marketing arm as we use only leads who show genuine interest in signing up for health insurance and once they fill out our form (never incentivized) the next page they see brands you to the lead! Using search engines like Google,  the lead then sees your name in the top 10 list as well because you signed up with Benepath!

Check out what an example of a branded thank you page looks like!

Insurance Leads With Personalized Thank You Pages

Benepath is in search of health insurance agents all over the country to partner with. We are looking for agents who sell individual health, group health, medicare, and life insurance. We sell 100% exclusive leads for all those products.


Call or email me to learn more and get pricing!


Jessica Durso

Direct: 484-423-4239

About The Author:
Picture of Clelland Green
Clelland Green

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