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Group Health Insurance Leads

Group Health Insurance Leads text overlaying image of an agent and a doctor shaking hands

Group Health Insurance Leads text overlaying image of an agent and a doctor shaking handsSelling group health insurance is all about helping people. At the end of the day, the more people you connect and form relationships with, the more opportunities you’ll have to make sales. While this fact of the insurance game is why so many people decide to get into the industry — to communicate with and help others — there may come a time when your pool of prospects completely dries up.  Luckily for you Benepath is here to bridge that gap! Since 2008, our team has stood at the forefront of group health lead generation. And we want to help you too!


Lead generation is all about making your life easier. So you don’t have to take on the challenge of finding new clients by yourself. Our generation process is safe and secure. Vetting every lead we receive, so that you never have to worry about receiving fake information or bot traffic. With our pre-qualified group leads, you will be enabled to spend less time cold calling. And more time talking to consumers who you already know are going to be interested in a policy! Additionally, our seamless system allows us to gather qualified consumer information, and immediately send it to your database so that no time is wasted. 


Whether you are a small independent agent, or work for a large agency, we’re here to offer a helping hand. If you are skeptical, try asking one of hundreds of agents who have already dramatically increased their contact rate, sales rate, and return on investment with our leads! One of our mottos at Benepath is, “work smarter, not harder,”. And that’s exactly what our leads can do for you. So, if you’re interested in finding more business owners in need of a group health policy, look no further, because we’ve got you covered!

Group Health Opportunities

If you already sell group health insurance policies, or if you’re just thinking about it, you may be curious about what the current landscape looks like. Well, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation, an estimated 56% of workers in the United States are covered by employee-sponsored health plans. Additionally, the Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council states that as of 2018, 47% of private employees worked for small businesses (categorized as companies with fewer than 500 employees). These statistics stand as a quick snapshot of what the group health insurance sector looks like today. It’s not hard to come to the conclusion that with so many small businesses offering health insurance to their employees, the need for group insurance agents isn’t going away anytime soon. 


Group health policies are also very flexible and highly customizable allowing you to cater to your clients specific needs. On top of that since group insurance covers a group of at least 2 employees, the cost will naturally be more than an individual policy. Therefore, your payout will be higher too! All of this is a long way of saying, there are tons of potential opportunities out there, and if you’re not already selling group health insurance, you may want to consider doing so, since the profitability is only going up. 

Our Generation Process 

At this point you may be wondering what makes Benepath different from all the other lead generation companies. Well I’m here to tell you! What separates us from those other guys is our commitment to quality. All of the group leads that we offer are guaranteed to be exclusive, so that you’ll be the only one working each lead that you purchase, and they’re all produced in real-time. Our advanced generation process uses demographic information so we’re able to target only the most qualified consumers. Additionally, by pre-screening all of our leads, you’ll be sure to have the very best chance of closing sales. To give you a better idea of where our leads come from before being sent to you, here’s a brief overview of what the process looks like:

1. Advertising Content

Everything starts with our dedicated marketing team. Using the most up-to-date advertising techniques to drive consumers to our owned and operated websites. To do this we use a variety of marketing tactics including:

    • Search engine optimization (to drive organic traffic)
    • Search engine marketing (such as Google and Bing ads)
    • Email marketing
    • Content campaigns such as native and display advertisements and direct mail.

2. Consumer Interaction 

With our ads in place, interested business owners will click them and eventually land on one of our landing pages. On our web page, there is a short data form, as well as a phone number present. At this point, if the consumer is still interested in receiving a free insurance quote, they will either fill out the form, or call us directly. 

3. Thank You Page or IVR

Following the consumer contacting us, one of two things will happen: if they fill out the data form. They will then be brought to a “Thank You” page which will include your name, company logo and an “About Me” blurb. If they instead opted to call our toll free number. The call will go through a quick interactive voice response system, to make sure that they are truly interested in receiving a quote. These processes ensure that there is a one-to-one connection between the consumer and assigned agent. 

4.Lead is Sent to You

Lastly, after reaching either the “Thank You” page or getting through the IVR, the consumer information will be passed on to you. The consumer will also receive a welcome email from you, initiating the conversation. After that, the ball is in your court! 

Lead Preview 

Every lead that you purchase from us will include detailed information about the consumer at hand, this way you’ll have everything you need to know to quickly get the process started. For group health insurance, each lead will include contact information such as the consumer’s first and last name, phone number, email address, physical address, city, state and ZIP code. Additionally, the lead will provide you with the name of the business in need of an insurance policy, their number of employees, desired health plan, and the date they requested coverage. By already having all of this information available, you’ll be able to tailor your sales tactic and approach to give yourself the best chance of closing each sale.


The price of our exclusive group health insurance leads can vary depending on a variety of factors. First off, depending on if you are purchasing a data lead versus an inbound phone call, the price will differ (since phone calls are higher intent than data leads, they tend to cost more in price). Some other factors contributing to the price of leads include: 

  • Volume of leads or calls purchased
  • Number of company employees 
  • Desired geographical region of leads
  • Agreed duration in seconds (for inbound phone calls only). For example, calls starting at the 60 second mark are priced differently than calls starting at 90 seconds. 

See below for more specific lead pricing (price listed refers to cost of one lead/call and does not include large bulk orders). 


  • Group Health Data Leads – Generally range from $90 – $150 per lead.
  • Group Health Inbound Calls – Start at $119.95, depending on employee size and duration (in seconds) when the call begins.


  • What other types of leads do you offer? 

In addition to group health insurance leads, we also offer real-time, exclusive leads and inbound phone calls in the following verticals: individual health (U65), Medicare, life/final Expense, and commercial P&C (worker’s compensation, BOP, Liability, etc.)

  • Can agents return leads? 

In short, yes. With every new account, agents will receive a broker portal. Within this portal you will have access to features allowing you to return leads, put in vacation pauses, view and download invoices, update your “Thank You” page, and more. 

  • Can agents receive leads on the weekends? 

Yes. We offer leads and run campaigns on the weekends. In fact, we very often see agents have success on the weekends since consumers generally have more time to talk on these days. 

  • Do you provide agents with “best-practice” routines? 

Yes! Just ask and we’ll send documentation over with all of our suggested best techniques. Throughout the years, we’ve found that agents have the best return on their investment with proper follow-ups. It’s not uncommon for agents to close on leads as late as 3 to 5 weeks after receiving them. 

  • Do you post to CRM systems? 

Yes. If you send us your API post specs, we can deliver your leads to you through a CRM system. 

  • Do you use TrustedForm?

Yes. We comply with TCPA, TrustedForm and Jornaya.


If you’re an insurance agent or broker looking for ways to increase your opportunities in the group health insurance industry, you’ve come to the right place! We offer high-quality group data leads and inbound phone calls, all of which are exclusive and produced in real-time. Our streamlined generation process is meant to be easy and efficient so that you’ll have more time to focus on other areas of your business. Get ahead of the competition today!


With over 15 years of experience, we’ve helped countless insurance agents grow their revenue and client pool with our insurance leads. If you want to get in on the action, don’t wait another day! If you’re interested in purchasing our exclusive leads, or simply want to learn more, fill out a form or give us a call at 888-684-3121.

About The Author:
Picture of Cassandra Love
Cassandra Love
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