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Online Commercial Insurance Shoppers Are Expected to Nearly Double in the Next 3 Years

According to a new survey from Semsee and TrustedChoice.com, independent insurance agents can expect a significant increase in online commercial insurance buyers over the next three years. The survey showed that around 42% of agents have been seeing an increase in commercial opportunities since the start of the pandemic in 2020. With such an increase in online commercial insurance shoppers, you need to know what to expect and what changes you can make, so you can build your customer base and increase your commissions over these next few years of demand.

What To Expect

magnifying glass in a circle
Because of the pandemic, people have been searching for their insurance needs over the internet.

Because the pandemic really changed the way people shop for most things, consumers have begun to rely more and more on finding and purchasing insurance over the internet. And, with such a big demand for commercial insurance coming over the next few years, insurance agents should expect to see an increase in leads and customers researching insurance and contacting their businesses. 

So make sure that you are ready for this increase in demand, and can help customers with quotes virtually. That includes knowing how to share your screen with customers, so you can display their options to them without having to meet in person. 

Changes Needed

While the survey also showed that more than 60% of agents rated their digital customer-facing capabilities as good or excellent, the reality doesn’t always match up. Many independent agents will need to make some changes to how they attract all of these new leads online. So how can you use the digital world to your advantage? 

The best way to increase and find new businesses online is by focusing on search engine optimization, or SEO. And while a lot of agents were confident in their digital customer-facing capabilities, the survey found that only 49% currently use SEO as a means of attracting new customers. 


SEO is all about moving your website up in Google searches, and the best way to boost your website’s ranking is by doing some research. For example, you’ll need to research keywords and phrases that your specific audience uses when looking for answers online, which means you’ll also have to understand your audience and how they can benefit from your services. When you begin researching, consider:

seo in a circle in front of a keyboard

  • Focusing on local search terms, such as “Florida commercial insurance,” so you can target customers who live where your business is located.
  • Making a list of relevant topics based on the insurance products you offer. Be sure to consider alternate terms that people may search for – for example, “business insurance” and “commercial insurance.”
  • Researching related keywords – for example, the keywords that appear as suggestions in Google when you begin typing in insurance questions or products.
  • Prioritizing keywords with higher volume and lower competition.

Looking For Leads?

Being tech savvy is a crucial part of growing your business, but don’t forget the most important step: building your customer list. And what better way to do this than getting hand-delivered, ready-to-buy leads from Benepath? When you work with Benepath, receiving reliable, exclusive leads is the easy part.

We provide you with real-time leads through a secured process and give you a customized thank-you page so your leads will be ready for your call. This thank-you page assures leads that they won’t be bounced around between agents, and gives them a feeling of connection with you right from the start. We offer the leads, and, while it is up to you to properly nurture your leads, we’ll be behind you every step of the way. You’ll find, though, that our leads don’t need much nurturing because they are ready to speak with you and buy your product! To get more information, fill out the form below or call 866-368-0377.

About The Author:
Picture of Cassandra Love
Cassandra Love
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