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Increase Retention with Relationship Marketing Strategies

Converting a lead into a customer is great, but you can’t stop there: you’ve also got to turn that customer into a customer for life. And you can do this if you keep your relationship with them going by using relationship marketing strategies. Relationship marketing is not just about messaging customers when it comes to renewal time, or even about remembering their birthdays. This type of marketing involves a continuing effort to provide a unique experience for each of your customers, so that they can be assets to you for many years to come, buying more of your products and referring you to others.  

Why Focus On Existing Customers?

magnifying glass over characters in different colors
Existing customers are 50% more likely to try new services, and they spend around 31% more than new customer/

Is it really more important to focus on developing relationships with existing clients than to look for new leads? Well, consider this: the probability of selling to a new prospect is just 5-20%, while the probability of selling to an existing customer is 60 -70%!. Not only that, but did you know that existing customers are 50% more likely to try new services, and they spend around 31% more when compared to new customers? But that’s not the only reason to focus on building relationships with your existing customers. Customers who have a great relationship with their agent will remain loyal to you and your company.

You want your customer to feel completely safe and satisfied with you as their agent, and that you always deliver what you promise. How do you go about ensuring all this?

Relationship Marketing Strategies

So, we know that maintaining a strong relationship with your clients is the way to keep your business growing: in fact, agents who use relationship marketing strategies tend to grow their portfolios by 42%. And it’s not difficult: think of your relationship marketing strategy as building a relationship with someone you’re interested in. You’ll need to: 

  1. Attract- First you’ll need to grab the attention of leads, and draw them in to engage with your business.
  2. Connect- Next you’ll need to establish communication with your leads. 
  3. Courting- Now that you’ve got their interest, try to turn them into customers by helping them, showing them what you can do for them/offer them, and nurturing them.
  4. Relationship- If your nurturing campaign has worked, your lead is now your customer, and it’s time to make sure that they remain a customer for a long time. 
  5. Marriage- Your open lines of communication and customer services have left the customer so pleased that they have said yes to your proposal, and now you have a customer for life.

The best way to accomplish the above is to:blue bubble with two bubbles with stars inside them

  • Listen to customer feedback- Ask customers to fill out a survey or leave a review of your business so you can pinpoint what you need to improve.
  • Invest in technology that can help you stay on top of your relationships– Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software can help you manage customers, personalize messages, and maintain regular communication and touchpoints.
  • Reward your customers for their loyalty– Delight your customers with tokens of your appreciation, like gift cards with a thoughtful thank you note.
  • Email marketing– Email marketing can help you continuously inform your customers of important information about their plan, events of interest to them, industry news, etc.

Looking For More Leads?

Creating strong relationships with customers doesn’t happen overnight. But if you take the time to build your relationship marketing strategy, you’ll be able to grow your business a little bit faster!

In the meantime, if you’re looking for new leads, and to grow your business, Benepath can help! We offer exclusive leads who are ready to buy – all you have to do is tell us when you are available to work with them. Benepath will provide you with better tools, more guidance, unsurpassed sales training, and techniques from the most successful agents and trainers in the industry, not to mention the best leads available. To get more information, fill out the form above, or call 866-368-0377.

About The Author:
Picture of Cassandra Love
Cassandra Love
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