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Inbound Marketing for Insurance Companies, Agencies, and Agents

Want to get your business noticed? Want a leg up on your competition? If you answered yes to these questions, you need to get working on your inbound marketing! Inbound marketing is the best way for you to build relationships and tailor your offerings to each customer’s needs. But what is inbound marketing, and how exactly do you get your message out there? 

Getting Startedshoes with the word start in front of them

Inbound marketing is a style of marketing that focuses on attracting customers to you. It’s a great alternative to more traditional, or outbound, marketing, which seeks out customers and tries to get their business with things like cold calls, email blasts, and direct mail. Customers these days are a little wary of that kind of outbound marketing, and instead tend to want to feel like they are in control of the choices they make, and to do their own research into the businesses they choose. 

So, if you can tap into that desire by being there with engaging content and helpful advice when they come searching, inbound marketing can be great for your business. It can bring a good amount of traffic to your website and build trust with prospects, and eventually turn them into customers. One of the first and best ways to get started with inbound marketing is to focus on your current customer’s questions and use those to create content. 

Give The People What They Want!

How do you answer the questions that customers have? You have to begin by putting yourself in your customer’s shoes. If you were looking for insurance, what would you want to know? What would you be searching for on the internet? 

In general, most customers will want to find information on these 5 things:

  1. Price – The price of a product is most people’s number one issue, especially since the cost of living continues to rise. Customers will want at least a ballpark figure for insurance plans; it’s important to be as transparent as possible when answering this question so you can build trust with your leads. 
  2. Comparisons– Most people will do some shopping around, and will want to compare their options before pulling the trigger. They want a side-by-side comparison of plans, so you should create some content based on the differences between their options. For example, you can do a comparison of insurance companies or specific plans: gold vs silver vs bronze, etc.
  3. Drawbacks – Not everything about insurance is perfect, but it’s your job to show prospects that insurance plans are all about protection, and purchasing one means they won’t have to deal with a large bill after receiving care. You can build trust by creating content that shows you understand and are being honest about the drawbacks of certain plans, such as high deductible plans.
  4. Reviews– Highlighting positive reviews is super important, because referrals are everything when it comes to business growth. Provide some customer testimonials to show that you can be trusted and that you offer excellent value and service. And if you have negative reviews? Address them promptly and respectfully, and use them to your advantage. 

Inbound Marketing Tactics

the word SEO circled with little bubble around
Creating meaningful content that customers need is a great way to attract new leads and keep current customers.

Your inbound marketing strategy should include content that you create and share in multiple ways. The main thing is to focus on helping people, rather than just selling to them, since sharing important information will make them trust you and trust working with you. 

Again, inbound marketing is all about getting customers to come to you, so you need to (as inbound marketing experts say) “attract, engage, and delight” them with your content. You can start doing this by creating an engaging and resourceful website that will answer the questions of the average customer looking for insurance, as well as by posting regularly on social media. 

While engaging on social media, pay attention to the questions you’re being asked by prospects, and use that to create valuable content, which can take the form of a blog on your website, or any number of other creative forms. For example, you can create videos and infographics, or even offer free downloadable guides. If you have a strong online presence and can answer the questions people have, you will be the person they turn to when they are ready to buy insurance. 

If you are looking to grow your business, Benepath can help! We offer exclusive leads who are ready to buy, all you have to do is tell us when you are available to work with them. Benepath will provide you with better tools, more guidance, unsurpassed sales training, and techniques from the most successful agents and trainers in the industry, not to mention the best leads available. To get more information, fill out the form above, or call 866-368-0377.

About The Author:
Picture of Cassandra Love
Cassandra Love
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