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Want a High ROI? Here’s Where to Begin

If you’ve been trying out multiple marketing tactics to bring in new leads, you’re probably wondering if the work you’re putting in is worth it. When you put your money toward marketing, you want that investment to come back to you at least two-fold, so you need to calculate if you’re getting a return on investment that’s worth the money you’re putting in. Some marketing strategies might have worked for you, and some of them might have failed, but if you’re struggling with your marketing, we have some fool-proof ways to get a high ROI.

Focus On Current Customers

Are you spending all of your time (and money) focusing on marketing that will bring in new prospects and leads?  Getting new customers is important, but don’t forget that your current customers are your bread and butter. When you market to your current customers, you can sell more policies, boost your retention rates, and get more referrals. 

In fact, one major study found that cold calling prospects led to a closing rate of 11%, whereas referral prospects had a closing rate of close to 40%. This means that the chance of successful sales nearly quadrupled when prospecting from referrals, proving there is a lot of value in marketing to existing customers, retaining them, and keeping them satisfied so you can continue to get referrals.   

Email Or Social?hand holding a cell phone with conversation bubbles coming out of it

The debate over which is the better marketing tool is a long and ongoing one between many agents, and those in the business world in general. So does focusing on social media or email marketing get you a higher ROI? It might surprise you to find out that when you post something on Facebook, you often have only a 1 to 2% chance of followers seeing your post and interacting with it, but email marketing has an open rate of 21.7%. We’re not saying that you shouldn’t focus on posting on social media as part of your overall marketing strategy, but if you want to reach more people, you should focus on your email marketing list.

Automated Marketing

Have you thought about automating your marketing in order to make things easier for you? Many agents use automated marketing to free up valuable time, so they can spend it on other aspects of their business, such as customer service or actually selling insurance. Automated marketing involves campaign email marketing and posting on social media, all of which are predetermined, programmed, and executed using marketing automation software. The program can set up marketing campaigns and track web visitors, as well as measure the performance of your marketing campaigns. According to Gleanster, CMOs at top-performing companies indicate that their most compelling reason for implementing marketing automation is to increase revenue (79%) and get higher quality leads (76%).

Work With Benepath

paper airplanes flying towards a red target
Benepath provides you with ready to buy leads, and the tools to succeed.

But what if you are looking for an easier and cheaper way to get a high ROI? Well, consider taking advantage of the amazing benefits of Benepath! This is one sure way to guarantee the biggest bang for your buck.  We manage 100% of our own marketing, utilizing search, content, and social media to generate leads and deliver them to agents across the country. We use your feedback to make continual improvements to our campaigns so you can maximize your sales. We will provide exclusive ready-to-buy leads so you can speak to more interested consumers and start making more sales! Your time is important, so work more effectively with our exclusive leads.

Benepath will provide you with better tools, more guidance, unsurpassed sales training, and techniques from the most successful agents and trainers in the industry, not to mention the best leads available. To get more information, fill out the form above, or call 866-368-0377.

About The Author:
Picture of Cassandra Love
Cassandra Love

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