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How To Sell More Health Insurance Policies

Sometimes selling health insurance comes easy, especially if you’ve been doing it for a long time. But even agents who have been selling health insurance for a long time sometimes struggle to sign more policies. There are times when things slow down no matter how experienced you are at selling, such as when the OEP is over, or during tough times when many people choose not to buy plans. Even if you’re going through a slow down, there are ways you can sell more policies, and make enough in commissions and keep your business going strong no matter what. You just have to know how to navigate your way through the market, and know what people want and need.

Step Up Your Word-of-Mouth Referralsillustration of two people next to each other with word bubbles

There might be no better way to sell more health insurance policies than by making sure as many people as possible know about your business. One of the best ways to do that is through good old-fashioned word-of-mouth: in fact, Nielsen reports that 92% of consumers believe recommendations from friends and family more than advertising. So get out there and ask family members, friends, and current clients if they can spread the word about your services to their community, make sure they let people know that you can help them find an affordable plan that covers their needs. Another way you can get your current clients to help spread the word is by offering incentives, such as gift cards, if they get you a successful referral. 

Use Health Insurance Associations

Health insurance associations can connect you with direct carriers and other local agencies/agents. Being a part of an association can help you get your foot in the door to selling more insurance from different companies. Some companies will even send leads to you.

Go The Extra Mile

Did you know that some healthcare providers will email or post information pertaining to Open Enrollment or ways to find great health insurance? If you can gain the trust of a local doctor, maybe even your own PCP, you can have them share information about your business and how you can help their patients buy affordable health insurance. 

You can also reach out to local businesses and ask them about their current health insurance plans; ask if they are interested in seeing the prover network for the insurance companies you represent. Let them know that you can help them add more options to their employees, and save them more money. 

Provide A+ Customer Service

illustration of a person with headset on in a orange circle
Good customer service is key to your business’ success, so go the extra mile and back to them as soon as possible.

This is undoubtedly your ace in the hole when it comes to selling more insurance, keeping current clients, getting referrals, and turning leads into customers. In fact, 90% of Americans say customer service is the deciding factor when choosing whether or not to do business with a company. Not only that, but consumers say they will pay 17% more to do business with firms with great reputations for customer service.

So what will make you stand out from the crowd when it comes to customer service? Good customer service entails going above and beyond selling a plan: you will need to help your lead understand their options, answer all of their questions, and always get back to them when they call or email. Even if someone is not ready to purchase a plan, make sure to be kind, and reach out to them at another time to see if there is any way you can help. And if it doesn’t turn into a sale? Well, they will remember you for your kindness and help, and possibly refer you to others. 

Get Exclusive Ready-To-Buy Leads!

If you’re looking for more ready-to-buy leads, you can rely on Benepath. We offer you real-time exclusive leads who are warmed up and ready to purchase an insurance plan – all you have to do is tell us the days and times that you are available so that we can send you live transfer calls during your specific hours. In short, we do all the work for you, finding you pre-qualified leads and simply passing them off to you to make the sale. Benepath will provide you with better tools, more guidance, unsurpassed sales training, and techniques from the most successful agents and trainers in the industry, not to mention the best leads available!

To get more information, fill out the form above, or call 866-368-0377.

About The Author:
Picture of Cassandra Love
Cassandra Love
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