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How To Effectively Use Video Marketing

Did you know that YouTube is the second most-used search engine in the world? This makes sense: if you’re looking for a quick answer to a question, what better way to get it than by watching an engaging video on the subject? In fact, in a recent survey, nearly 60% of executives  said that they prefer watching a video to reading a text. If that’s not enough of a reason to start using video marketing, then consider these stats: only 20% of website visitors read an entire page, but 80% watch videos from start to finish. In addition, your chances of ranking on Google goes up 50 times when a video is incorporated into your website. Now that you know why video marketing is so important, let’s look at how you can use this tool effectively.

red pie chart with 80% and 20% on each piece
Only 20% of website visitors read an entire page, but 80% watch videos from start to finish.

How To Create An Eye-Catching Video

There are many different kinds of videos that you can create, such as “Why work with our agency” videos, customer testimonial videos, videos that answer FAQs, videos that explain types of coverage, or even fun birthday and holiday videos. Before uploading a video, make sure that it is eye-catching, that it will keep the audience engaged, and that it will market your company well. Some tips to consider include:

  • Don’t make your videos too long. Videos under 2 minutes are the most effective, and  most people prefer to watch a video that’s only 30 to 90 seconds long. So if you’re creating, for example, a holiday video, keep it short and sweet by choosing an animated format. On the other hand, if you want to make an explainer video with lots of detail, try breaking the information up into smaller segments. It’ll be much easier for your audience to digest the information if they are only given a little bit at a time.
  • Consistency is key. When you are building your company’s brand, you have to be consistent in creating relevant content that helps and entertains your audience. Don’t stray away from your message and start creating irrelevant content, or your audience will get confused as to what you’re selling and what your brand is all about.
  • Be yourself. If you want to engage your audience, get to the point and don’t try to force humor or emotion into your content. Content that feels forced will just make viewers want to skip over your video to find the answer they’re looking for. Simply be yourself and state what you or your insurance agency has to offer. Try recording a non-scripted video so you seem more authentic.
  • Make your video look as professional as possible. You don’t need to have a high-tech camera, you can simply use your iPhone, but make use of editing apps to make your video look as professional as possible. And always film in landscape mode! act now on a yellow diamond sign
  • Add a call to action- Make sure that you give your audience a way to contact you or your agency. You can add a link to your website or phone number where they can reach you.

How to Market Your Videos

Once you feel comfortable with creating videos, it’s time to focus on how to get your videos seen. Try marketing your videos through: 

  • SEO linking – When uploading your videos on YouTube, add tags, an appealing thumbnail, and a compelling title and description. Make sure your agency’s name is in the title whenever possible.
  • Email – Include your videos in your email newsletter: when videos are included in emails, click-through rates increase by 200-300% and opt-out rates decline by 75%.
  • Scheduling sites– Use a social media scheduling site to make sure you post videos on a regular basis.
  • Social media– Run a video campaign on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, or Twitter, so that   viewers are more likely to share and spread the word about your business and what you have to offer. Keep your video at the top of your Twitter feed so that it doesn’t get lost  among your new tweets.

    people with laptops and connecting, forming of a network
    Participate in online communities with the same interests as your business.
  • YouTube– Post your video on YouTube  to get it out there, to allow people to share it with others, and to allow them to comment and ask questions.
  • Groups with common interests – Target online communities with the same interests as your business. Participate in conversations or discussions while sharing your video on social media sites such as Facebook or Reddit.

Posting videos is a great way to market yourself and your business. By promoting yourself online you’ll be visible to a wider audience of possible customers. Effective video marketing opens up your business to endless possibilities, and will allow you to stay one step ahead of the game – and your competitors.

About The Author:
Picture of Cassandra Love
Cassandra Love
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