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What Methods Do You Use to Get Your Products Exposed to Existing/Prospective Clients?

What methods do you use to get your products exposed to existing/prospective clients?

There are so many ways to communicate these days, in fact sometimes there may be just too many to be effective when it comes to allocating a campaign budget. What do you do? The short answer is choose what you “know” to be an effective method of communication – one that has in the past produced results.

Yes, you could certainly use Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, blogging, Messenger, email campaigns, direct mail campaigns and so forth, but at some point the diversity is just too much to keep up with financially. And let’s face it – too much diversity can also result in diluting the message. So, if you kept notes, or studied your analytics for each platform you tried, you’ll know right away which was the most effective purveyor of your message. Once you know that – follow up along the same lines (but not actually duplicating the good ad) and get your message packaged in a way that is going to get read.

There are new and old ways of communicating – a fact you’ve no doubt found out by experimenting with different platforms. The secret? Typically it is what is trending – but – keep in mind your audience demographics. You may need more than just one method, per platform, to get your message across to existing and potential clients. The latest method? Short, snappy videos with real people with a message that resonates with many. Try it. You may get a seriously good response and if you do not know how to create a great video, get a pro to help you. It’s worth investing marketing dollars into how you communicate about who you are and what you sell.

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Benepath Blogger

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