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How You Use Your Social Media Will Make or Break Your Insurance Sales

How you use your social media will make or break your insurance sales

Social media can be fun to use, a good place to meet new people, find and share new ideas and even sell a thing or two. The thing is though it is not just a place to hang out if you have serious intentions of finding customers online who are interested in buying insurance. Social media is, also, not the place to lurk and pounce, immediately offering to sell someone an insurance policy. Nothing puts people off insurance agents like being asked to consider buying a policy when they do not know what you sell or who you are.

The best approach to selling insurance online can best be summed up as educating others. When selling insurance you have to first educate your audience about insurance and its benefits. This does not have to be a marathon novel relating to the intricacies of Medicare or other forms of insurance. It can instead be a short “5 Things You Did Not Know About Medicare.” At the end add in your name and contact information and offer to send further information or answer any questions people may have about your post.

A little goes a long way on social media. A little education mixed with a more personable approach of you offering to answer questions will help gain you leads. After all, a little bit of information that makes people want to know more catches people’s attention. A graph, chart or gif offers people an inside look at how Medicare works. The choices you make on what to post are up to you, but remember above all else, to market you as well.

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Benepath Blogger

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