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Learn the Difference Between Good and Bad Insurance Leads

Not all insurance leads are created equal. Knowing how to spot the differences can be the key to saving time and money.

About the only way to build a truly successful insurance agency is to convert a continuous stream of leads into customers. Expanding business, and doing it in a cost-effective and efficient manner, is a top priority in an environment where cold calling and chasing relatives is no longer sufficient.

There are a number of ways to source leads, but which are the good, bad and ugly? Where does one go to buy leads that, if worked diligently, do convert?

The main way to ensure that leads are solid and won’t amount to merely chasing people that six other agents have already called is to buy them from an industry leader in lead generation, such as benepath.net. Working with a trusted source eliminates bad leads, recycled leads and fake leads.

Today’s world is a fast-paced, hectic milieu, so time is of the essence when connecting with a potential lead and beginning the process of conversion. Instead of chewed up leads that cost a lot and offer no return on an investment, it is shrewder to opt for exclusive insurance leads, ones that definitely have the potential to pay off. The exclusive leads come only to one agent, in real time, and if worked as soon as they arrive, can create a sales record that will be the envy of the office by the end of the month.

For precision and accuracy within an acceptable narrow parameter, one should deal only with a lead generation company that has been in the business for years, verifies its leads, pre-screens them and ensures the customer gets them as fast as they arrive. In other words, one should deal with a company that only collects leads who are serious about needing insurance.

Sign up for leads from a lead generation company that offers productive real-time leads, not old and cold leads. Marketing industry experts have estimated that the value of a lead drops dramatically after two days. The caller may lose interest in buying a policy or they might buy coverage from another provider. With real-time leads, an insurance agent can call a client almost the instant they complete the online lead form and well before they lose interest.

Being on top of virtual leads instantly is a proven method of strengthening a sales record.
Investing in a lead generation company that offers a wide variety of filters to cull out “iffy” leads is a good indicator that the company understands the value of time in an industry with none to spare. Filtering directly targets clients that are likely to buy a policy and removes leads that are not worth working (e.g. leads with pre-existing conditions).

Though filters are not usually free, they are worth their weight in gold, helping to select the best possible potential customers genuinely interested in the offered policies. For qualified leads that are ready to go, an insurance agent’s best bet is a lead generation.

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