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Benepath CEO Says Exclusive Medicare Supplement Leads Need Personal Touch

A personal follow-up to exclusive Medicare supplement leads can make a big difference to sales figures.

“In a world that is virtually upside down these days, personal service in sales is remembered. Unfortunately, many sales people make the mistake of thinking what is important is the final sale,” said Clelland Green, RHU, CEO, and president of Benepath.net. “While the final sale is important, it is not the ‘be all, end all.’ Personal touches are often what separate you from the ranks of other agents who are bent on sales numbers only.”

Take selling insurance, for example. Instead of being viewed just as a way to make money, selling insurance is an opportunity to help people make the right decisions for their health and welfare. It could be a real win-win for you and your customers. And if your business includes buying exclusive Medicare supplement leads, Green has some words of advice.

“Before making the leap into buying exclusive Medicare supplement leads to build an insurance business, it is wise to check out whether or not those leads may be customized to suit your geographic business needs. No sense in buying leads two states away that you can’t really service properly,” said Green. “Also find out if they are pre-qualified and genuinely exclusive to you only.” They should be or the agent will be competing with up to seven others for a sale, which is a waste of time and money.

And don’t forget the most important thing: the personal touch. “A personal note of thanks, encouragement or an offer to help by providing more information will be remembered. Ensure your notes are personal and not canned. Take the time to either email a note of your own creation, or send something by snail mail. While it may be a shame that the personal touch seems to have gone the way of the dinosaur, there is nothing saying you can’t bring courtesy, kindness, thoughtfulness and genuine caring to the way you do business. The results may surprise you,” said Green.

To learn more, visit http://demosite.benepath.net

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Clelland Green
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