Your marketing strategy is incredibly important: the more people you reach with it, the more successful your business will be. That means your marketing strategy needs to be well thought out, and include a variety of tactics to help you stay ahead of the competition. Whether you’ve been putting your agency out there already, or you are just beginning to sketch out a marketing plan, we can give you some lesser-known marketing tricks that can help you bring in more business.
Recycle Content
Coming up with new content can be time-consuming and overwhelming; it can also feel frustrating if you’ve been producing content for a while, since you might feel like you’ve covered everything! So if you find yourself with writer’s block, try recycling some of the content that you already have. Perform an analysis to see which of your content has been most successful, and turn it into something new. For example, make it into an infographic, turn it into a quick blog post, or revisit it and look at it from another angle.
Mix It Up
There are many avenues you can explore when it comes to marketing, including social media and your engaging website. But don’t stop there! Mix it up, and consider using different marketing strategies, including outdoor advertising, radio and/or TV ads, and any other traditional methods you want to consider dipping your toes into. Just make sure that your ads are targeted to your audience, and your content provides the information they need.
Re-Brand Yourself
Your business’ brand is everything; having a strong brand is important to your success, because it shows people who you are and what you represent. If you find your brand is lacking, consider re-branding yourself to attract some new customers. Determine what your strongest attributes are, pinpoint what your unique value proposition is; when you have figured these out, the next step is to prove your value, and represent your brand and what you stand for.
Direct Mail
You might think snail mail is an outdated way of reaching people, but nothing could be further from the truth! Direct mail is effective, which is why many businesses continue to use this approach to reach new and existing customers. In fact, people are often more likely to remember a business and use it in the future if they receive mail from that business, especially if it includes promotions or eye-catching information.
Answer Questions On Quora & Other Sites
If you want to show that you know your stuff, and get your name out there, try heading to sites where people ask questions, like Quora or Create an account on these sites, search for questions in the field of insurance, and then provide as much helpful information as you can. This can help build your brand, and allow people to see you, know you, and seek help from you.
If you haven’t started marketing your business yet, consider the aforementioned techniques to help. But even if you’re a marketing veteran, these tips might help push you to a new level. After all, the more you put yourself out there, the more customers will come your way!
In the meantime, if you’re looking for new leads and to grow your business, Benepath can help! We offer exclusive leads who are ready to buy – all you have to do is tell us when you are available to work with them. Benepath will provide you with better tools, more guidance, unsurpassed sales training, and techniques from the most successful agents and trainers in the industry, not to mention the best leads available. To get more information, fill out the form above, or call 866-368-0377.