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Prospecting Ideas for Less Experienced Insurance Agents

Getting into the world of insurance sales is exciting, but it can also be stressful. Trying to establish yourself and your business takes time and a lot of commitment, but if you put the work in, you will thrive. A big part of establishing your business and getting yourself to the point where you are thriving is prospecting leads – and if you are not experienced at this, you might gravitate towards basic prospecting methods, such as using referrals and cold calling. Sure, these methods can work, but there are some other out-of-the-box prospecting ideas and strategies that you can use to make things easier on yourself, and to get bigger results. 

Create A Planpapers lined up on a desk

The first thing that you need to do is research who your audience is and what their needs are. For example, Medicare beneficiaries have a lot of their medical needs already covered, so will mostly be looking to save money, while younger people looking for health insurance will want to save money but might also be looking for multiple coverage options, especially if they have a family. Create a strategic marketing plan that includes direct mail, newsletters, digital marketing and more that are targeted directly to your audience, so you can build relationships with prospects!

Use Social Media Correctly

It’s important to have a strong online presence and accounts on multiple social media platforms, but  don’t just rely on posting pictures. For example, Instagram is a quick and easy way to promote your business for free, but if you just post random selfies, you can’t expect people to interact much with you. Instead, use Instagram or any other social media platform to show how enthusiastic you are about insurance, while still maintaining a personal approach. Take advantage of all the features of social media, by using hashtags that are relevant to your target audience, as well as by liking posts and pictures and starting conversations with people.

Create A Larger Networkstack of hands together on top of each other with a network in front of them

One important thing to do when you start out selling insurance is to create a network of other agents; having a network of agents can mean access to different carriers and products, and can help you stay on top of current market trends, developments, and opportunities that you might be missing. Find an event in your local area, and attend these events to expand your network. Be prepared with a pitch, a business card, and a smile.

Videos Are A Must

It probably comes as no surprise that many people prefer to watch an instructional video about a topic over reading about it, so video marketing is a great way to reach people and find out what they’re looking for. You can gain more exposure with the younger crowd by posting instructional videos on your social media accounts or website that show them the different kinds of plans that are out there, and how you can help them find an affordable plan that will save them money.

Invest In SEO

Creating content for your website is a great idea, but if you’re going to do it, you’ve got to pay attention to search engine optimization, or SEO. A solid SEO strategy will bring your page closer to the top of the list when people Google their insurance needs, so make sure you’re using the right keywords, and including using local search terms so that your name will pop up when people conduct searches for agents in your area. 

Send Mailwhite mailbox with the number 20 on it in black

It might seem like it’s all about technology nowadays, but don’t forget about good old-fashioned snail mail! Email is great for getting in touch with people instantly, but going the extra mile and sending out direct mail will catch people’s eyes – think about it, when was the last time you got mail from anyone other than bill collectors? Hire a graphic designer to create an eye-catching piece of marketing material that has your insurance logo, a professional picture of you, information on how to reach you, and an enticing offer that will make them want to learn more.

If you put in the necessary hard work, you can grow your business and take it even further than you imagined. But prospecting isn’t easy when you’re just starting out, so if you find that you need some help finding leads, work with a reputable company like Benepath. When you work with Benepath, receiving reliable, exclusive leads is the easy part: we provide you with real-time leads through a secure process, and give you a customized thank you page so your leads will be ready for your call. To get more information, fill out the form above, or call 866-368-0377.

About The Author:
Picture of Cassandra Love
Cassandra Love
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