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How You Can Prepare For Open Enrollment

The ACA Open Enrollment Period comes up fast, and can be a stressful time, not only for people shopping for plans, but also for agents selling policies. There is going to be a large number of people looking for health insurance this month and next, so you’ll need to be prepared! In order to have a smooth experience during this Open Enrollment Period, you will need to have the right resources and know what to expect, so check out our tips to help you save time, avoid mistakes, and sell more.

Make Sure You Are Registeredlaptop screen with a green checkmark in a box

Before you can make any sales during the Open Enrollment Period, you will have to be authorized to sell plans through healthcare.gov, so make sure that you have completed registration and training to become a federally facilitated Marketplace agent or broker. 

Be Aware of Any Changes

Double-check with all of the insurance carriers you work with so you’re aware of any changes to plans for the coming year, and you know which carriers are entering or leaving your market. If you are contracted with a carrier, they will send you announcements around July or August, so make sure you’ve reviewed all of the information you received this summer. 

Market Your Services

With so many people shopping for insurance plans during the OEP, now is the time to market your business and get your name out there as much as possible The best way to market yourself and your services is by producing guides, blog posts, advice, and more to help engage your audience, and provide them with the information they are looking for, so you can entice them to reach out for your assistance. 

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Link your blog posts to your social media accounts to get yourself out there more.

Maintain Your Social Media Accounts

In addition to marketing your business through your site and blogs, one of the other ways that you can market yourself is through social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tik Tok. Link your blog posts to your social media accounts, engage in conversations about health insurance, and share important information.

Keep Up With The Industry

It’s important to stay on top of what’s going on in the health insurance industry so you can be better prepared for the Open Enrollment Period. Stay on top of eligibility requirements, and any updates or changes by reading any articles you come across.

Don’t Forget Your Current Clients!

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Take the time to contact your current clients and make sure they are happy with their current plan.

Check in with your current clients and make sure that the plans they have will still suit their needs for the next year. Take the time to contact them and ask them if they are happy with their current plan and make them aware of any changes coming to their plans. Paying attention to the needs of your customers and showing that you are dedicated to them in this way will ensure that they remain satisfied with your service. 

In addition, make sure to engage with your customers year-round, not just during the Open Enrollment Period, in order to build more personal and solid relationships with them. This can also open the door to more cross-selling opportunities. 

Selling during the Open Enrollment Period is an important part of growing your business, and the best way to make as many sales as possible during this busy time is to be prepared. Follow the tips presented to reach leads, convert them to clients, and further your knowledge of the industry. This will not only help you during the Open Enrollment Period, but throughout your whole career!

About The Author:
Picture of Cassandra Love
Cassandra Love
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