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5 Ways To Make Your Brand More Appealing To Customers

As the former CEO of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, once said, “Branding is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” Your business and the services you provide leave an impression on your customers long after you make an insurance sale. You need to stay one step ahead of your many competitors by leaving the right impression. How do you do this? By standing out from the crowd, making your brand more appealing and memorable, and getting customers talking about you. Here are some tips that will help you make your brand more unique and appealing. 

1. Have A Good Sense Of Humorcaucasian man with a suit on laughing

One way to stand out is by using humor to promote your brand. If possible, tell a funny story or make some jokes about your brand in your newsletters or in your social media posts. Making people laugh will do two things: it will encourage people to share your posts and help them to remember your business.

2. Use Colloquial Language

Sure, you are familiar with insurance jargon because it’s your niche, but this is not true for your customers. Using insurance jargon is a conversion rate killer – customers want you to explain things to them in terms they can understand. If customers can’t grasp what you’re saying, they’re likely to tune out, not ask you what anything means, and possibly move on to the next agent. Remember, people don’t want to buy what they can’t understand! Skip the jargon and talk to your customers like you are talking to a friend, not a client. 

3. Humanize Your Brandgroup of hands holding each other's wrists forming a circle of hands

Would you like talking to a robot? One that does not show any emotion or give you any sense of human connection? Probably not. The same goes for leads and customers. Sure, having an automated chatbot is convenient, but people crave human connection. Show people who you are by writing a bio about yourself on your site, and use your social media presence to show your personality and share some behind-the-scenes updates on your business. You can share stories on your site or social media accounts, use live chat support to speak with customers, and take it personally, literally. People want to know about the person behind the scenes, rather than just the business and what it can provide for them. 

4. Offer Rewards to Loyal Customers

Who doesn’t like free stuff and discounts? Consider starting a loyalty program to show your customers you value them, and incentivize them for every friend they refer. By doing so, you will not only keep their business, but you’ll also encourage them to promote your business to their friends so they can join in on the rewards. Give your customers as many reasons as possible to continue working with your company! 

silver trophy with a gold band around the cup
Customers want to buy from people who are successful.

5. Display Awards

Customers want to buy from brands that they trust. One way to show that they can trust you is by showing any awards, certifications, or recognitions you have been given along the way. You can also share testimonials and reviews from customers, because most customers read reviews of a product or business before purchasing. In fact, testimonials can boost conversions on sales pages by 34%!

Finding the right way to brand your business is important, take the time to incorporate these tips to help grow your business. The more appealing the brand, the more people will remember you, and the more they will talk about you, which leads to repeat customers and referrals. Think about your values, your mission, and the audience you want to target, and think about what they want and how you can make them comfortable. The more comfortable they feel with you and your brand the more they will trust and use you!

About The Author:
Picture of Cassandra Love
Cassandra Love
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