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Showing Your Clients The Value Of An Independent Agent

Working with an independent insurance agent has a lot of benefits, and it’s important that your customers – and potential customers – know about them. You need to show them that independent insurance agents offer value that captive agents cannot. This will prevent them from seeking help from a captive agent, and from searching for quotes on their own. The more that people see the value in working with an independent agent such as yourself, the more they will continue to use your services, and the more likely they will be to bring others on board to use your services. Share the following benefits of working with an independent agent with your customers, so you can help them understand what you bring to the table and why they should consider doing business with you.

take it easy spelled out on blocks.
Take the weight off your customer’s shoulders by comparing all available plans within minutes for them.


70% of people say they would rather research and compare plans themselves than speak with an agent. They don’t want to be hassled or given the runaround, and they think that, by cutting out an insurance agent, they’ll get a quicker, easier transaction. It’s your job to show your customers how easy it is to do business with you. Highlight the fact that you can compare plans from multiple carriers for them in minutes, without any obligation, and that you’ll take the weight off of their shoulders by saving them time and frustration.

More Choice

Make sure your customers know what it means that you are an independent agent. One of the biggest advantages of working with you is that you can offer more plan choices from multiple insurance companies. Make it clear that you have access to multiple plans to meet their specific financial and medical needs, and that you can get them the most competitive prices. Show them how you are able to offer an extensive list of comprehensive coverage options, affordable prices, and possibly even discounts that wouldn’t be available to them if they didn’t work with an independent agent. 

Personalized Servicetwo women sitting at the end of a desk with one in a business suit pointing at a laptop screen

Something you can offer your customers that other agents cannot is personalized service and unbiased advice. You work for your customers and not the insurance carriers, and can advise them to make the best choices based on their needs. Show your customers that you go the extra mile to truly understand their needs. Learn their names, treat them like a person, and thank them for their service. Customers might think that most agents just want to make a quick buck, but if you provide them with a more personalized approach, you’ll have a customer for life, and more referrals so you can keep growing your business.


Insurance jargon is not easy to understand, but, as an insurance agent, you have the benefit of being educated on the subject. Let your customers know that you can thoroughly explain to them  exactly how their coverage works, that you can help them with the claims process, and that you can provide strategic advice all along the way. 

the back of a woman sitting down meditating in front of a sunset
Independent agents offer peace of mind by offering 24/7 assistance.

Peace Of Mind

Aside from convenience, the next most important thing to customers is peace of mind – they want to know that they’re working with the best agent and that they’re getting the best plan possible. You can provide this peace of mind by being there for them whenever they need help and by providing the best customer service possible. Tell them – and show them – that you are there to help 24/7, and that you are accessible through multiple channels. But also show them that you won’t overuse their contact information or harass them! Anytime they need help, make sure you are there for them. After all, without your customers, you wouldn’t have a business. Make them your number one priority, so you can keep your current customers and also gain new ones.

About The Author:
Picture of Cassandra Love
Cassandra Love
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