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When Buying Exclusive Medicare Supplement Leads, Research the Lead Generation Company

If you are worried about having enough quality leads to generate steady business, research lead generation companies.
Even if you are selling Medicare supplements, a virtually guaranteed niche these days, you still need a constant source of good, qualified leads, and you need a lead generation company that provides those leads. Do you trust your lead generation company? Do you know if the company you want to go with will provide what you need —- quality, pre-screened leads?
If you don’t know and are not cautious about what company you deal with, you could wind up with seriously overworked and chewed-up leads – a major pain and waste of money chasing leads that have already been worked by someone else.
If you don’t know where to start or even how to assess the reliability of any lead generation business, then start at the beginning and go slow until you find out what you need to know. First, ask other agents. They’re in the same boat you are and need a good source of reliable leads that pay off. See what works for them and make up your own mind once you have all the information you need.

Here are some of the things you need to check before buying leads: Find out if the order process is easy to understand or not. If it is complicated and you have to read something more than once to get the idea and can’t find accurate pricing, move on.

Will your potential choice of company offer you precisely what you want —- for instance, leads from a specific income level and geographic area? Will they provide them daily or per another schedule that best suits your working day? Will they replace dud leads?

Some lead generation companies provide not only the leads, but set appointments at least two days in advance? Does that work for you? Does the company you are considering do that?

Do leads offer all the relevant information for you to make a sale? Do they deliver those leads in a format you can work with? Do they offer just one Medicare lead for each household on your list or more than one? Be wary if they offer more than one per home.

The list of what to watch for could be endless, but don’t let that stop you. Find out what you need to know by making a list of what you need to make sales. In short, it’s up to you want you want when you buy Medicare supplement leads. If you can’t get what you want from one place, look for another one until you find what works.

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Picture of Clelland Green
Clelland Green
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