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Enhancing Communication with Visuals

Enhancing Communication with Visuals text overlaying image of a color burst Attention spans are shorter than ever. Plain and simple. Between the news, social media, advertisements, and entertainment, the constant flow of information going in and out of our brains can be overwhelming to say the least. This fact of life has become a struggle for many industry professionals, and insurance agents are no different. On a daily basis, it’s the jobs of agents to mitigate all these distractions. So they can effectively communicate with prospects and clients. To properly do this, you must make the ideas and concepts engaging, but they must also be simplified. Fortunately, through the use of visuals such as infographics, videos, animations and other multimedia tools, you now have the ability to convey information in a way that consumers are bound to remember.


Today we will be taking a deeper look at visuals, exploring why they are so important and delving into the different types of visuals and how they can be used. By effectively leveraging visuals into your work routine, you’ll be able to build strong relationships and improve customer understanding. All while using a tool that is unique to the industry. 

Why Are Visuals So Effective? 

Soon we will dive into the specific types of visuals and how they can be used. But first we want to answer the question — why should you use visuals? Visuals, unlike plain text, are able to communicate complex ideas, concepts and information in a quick, efficient fashion. Believe it or not, there is actually science behind this. The truth is that our brains are able to process visual information far faster than text. Additionally, for the average person, a visual is more appealing and engaging than text. The most common example of this is that so many people prefer watching a movie over reading a book.


While there are certainly exceptions to this example, it’s generally true because a movie takes less time to summarize a story, and is simply more fun to look at. The same can be said for informational visuals related to insurance. Lastly, visuals tend to evoke more emotions from individuals, making them more likely to remember or engage with the content. The world of insurance can be quite confusing to the average consumer. But by simplifying the often complicated subject matter, clients and prospects are able to better comprehend and relate to topics. 

What Types of Visuals Should I Use? 

While the more commonly thought of visuals include things like videos and infographics. There are also other types that include social media visuals, interactive tools, and visual storytelling. Luckily for you, we are going to talk about them all!


Infographics are simply a type of visual that usually represents data, statistics or other concepts using a combination of images, text and charts such as graphs or maps. A major characteristic of an infographic is the way it must flow from section to section. Even if the information being represented isn’t meant to be read in a particular order. The viewer should naturally want to go from one area to the next. Because of this, it’s suggested that you put the information that you want to be looked at first on the top left portion of the page (since people read from left to right, they will generally look here first). 


As an insurance agent, you could use infographics to convey a variety of different messages. Some ideas could include: breaking down insurance policies, showcasing the benefits of specific insurance products, explaining coverage options or comparing multiple products such as term life versus burial life insurance. While creating infographics you want to make sure to add some color, but not too much. It’s a good idea to use colors that complement each other for most of the infographic. Then use contrasting colors when you are trying to get a point across or have something stand out.


Additionally, you’ll want to pair similar ideas and concepts together so it will be easy for the reader to follow along. There are various free infographic tools and templates online, or you could work with a graphic designer. No matter how you do it, make sure that it aligns with your brand and is easy to understand. 



Videos that convey ideas or concepts are now more popular than ever and dominate the world of content creation. For Insurance agents, they stand as an engaging way to communicate with potential or existing clients. The most useful way to utilize videos in this industry is to provide educational content and consumer reviews or testimonials. Other ideas are videos that introduce you to clients. Or videos that explain complex ideas such as jargon, the claims process, or nitty gritty coverage details. For the introduction video you could focus on welcoming the client to the company. Telling them a bit about yourself, personal life and finally, show them your services.


 Some other tips for creating video content include, being consistent with your delivery of new material, thinking outside the box for unique filming ideas, and being yourself! It may sound cliche, but oftentimes creators get too caught up in following a script word-for-word. Instead, try to speak like you would when talking to someone in real life, and if you have to use a script, use it more as a reference, and be sure to add your own personality.


We’re lucky because in today’s day in age, most smart phones offer professional quality video options. And when it comes to editing programs, they are a dime a dozen. As far as publishing goes, put your video out on whatever platform you think it will be seen the most, but as a rule of thumb, Youtube, Vimeo, and social media platforms are most common and the easiest to use for distribution purposes. 

Social Media Visuals 

Social media platforms are a great place for insurance agents to share visuals, since they are used so frequently by an abundance of people. The term social media visuals doesn’t refer to one certain type of visual content, but rather multiple forms. The most common types include images, graphics and memes, all of which should be eye-catching. Though there is no handbook when it comes to these visuals, in the industry they are commonly used to explain complex insurance-related information, to highlight policy details or benefits and to display deals and special offers. 


No matter what type of visual you use, make sure that the content matches the mode of communication. For example, if you are making a point about the services that you offer and it’s  meant to be lighthearted or funny, using a meme would be a good choice. On the other hand, if you are talking about something serious, like cancer treatment, you may want to deliver the message in some other way. Additionally, when publishing social media visuals, you should encourage the viewers to interact by liking, commenting or sharing the post. This is an easy way to gain new followers and prospects. For the most part, insurance agents tend to find LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter the most effective when sharing visuals. Regardless of where and what you post, just make sure that it shows off your company’s values and encourages connection!

Interactive Tools 

Interactive tools stand as an effective and engaging way to help break down details to consumers. Some popular interactive tools include cost calculators, comparative tools, quizzes, interactive videos or infographics, polls and surveys. In the insurance sector, some common ways that interactive tools are used include tools that help to estimate insurance needs or costs, assess risk, and explain the impact of certain events. By simplifying otherwise complicated calculations and allowing users to participate in the process, they will be more likely to trust you, since everything is being laid out for them to analyze. With interactive content, clients and potential clients will feel more informed about the choices they make, creating a sense of confidence in you and your services. 

Visual Storytelling

Defined, visual storytelling or visual narration is a story that is told primarily through the use of visual media such as images, digital art, photography, illustration or video. They are oftentimes enhanced with music, voice or some other audio. One of the most popular examples of visual storytelling would be comic strips. Visual storytelling can be an effective marketing tool as it often plays towards human emotions. While there are an abundance of topics that could be conveyed through visual storytelling, some ideas include sharing the story of a satisfied client, displaying your involvement in the community, or showing how insurance has saved someone time and money. By taking visuals and combining them with other elements such as a compelling written narrative, or music, you’ll be able to connect with your audience and create a lasting impression.


There are many traditional ways to communicate with your clients and prospects. The most common methods are usually via phone calls, email or direct messaging. But we’re here to offer a different approach. Visuals are not only more engaging than plain text, but they are also processed in the human brain much faster. By using visual methods like infographics, videos, social media visuals, interactive tools, and visual storytelling. You will be able to convey complex information in an interesting and easy to understand way.


When creating visual content, it’s important for it to look attractive. While also being informative and relevant to the audience at hand. Embracing visuals will also set you apart from other insurance professionals, as they are not used as often as they should be. Show your clients and prospects that you want to connect with them in a meaningful way. And what better way to do that than using visuals to communicate!


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About The Author:
Picture of Cassandra Love
Cassandra Love
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