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How Subsidies Are Increasing the Opportunity for Sales

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When the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was passed in 2010, then-President Obama made it clear that its focus is to make health insurance accessible to all Americans. One of the main ways it does that is by allowing everyone to buy their own health coverage on the individual Marketplace. Fast forward to 2021, and the passage of the American Rescue Plan (ARP), which boosted the availability of the ACA subsidies. These subsidies are making coverage even more available and affordable to millions of Americans. 

Why is this important to you as an agent? Well, because of these additional subsidies, more Americans are searching for and signing up for health insurance than ever. That means it’s important to take advantage of this time when more people are searching for health insurance plans.picture of someone turning up volume

How Much Are People Saving?

So, what are these new subsidies actually doing for people? Just consider the following: 

  • Among enrollees who signed up during the Covid-related Special Enrollment Period, or who updated their enrollments to claim the enhanced subsidies, 35% are now paying less than $10 a month for their coverage.
  • Average deductibles for new enrollees are 90% lower than pre-ARP deductibles.
  • The state-run exchange in Washington reported that 78% of their enrollees are now receiving premium subsidies, versus 61% before the ARP was implemented.
  • The state-run exchange in Nevada reported that people who enrolled or updated their accounts since the ARP was implemented are paying an average of $154 a month in after-subsidy premiums, compared to $232 a month pre-ARP.

These are some of the examples of how much people are saving, and how many are taking advantage of the savings. Because the ARP has made it so much more affordable for people to get plans – plans can even be as low as $0 a month – now is the perfect time to reach out to current customers or leads and see if you can save them money by applying the newly expanded subsidies.

States originally had three years (through March 2024) to use available ARP funds. But this has now been extended through March 31, 2025. So continue to take advantage of this extension and increase your sales!picture of stacks of coins and pens

How Benepath Can Help You Succeed

Looking for leads so you can take advantage of these great selling opportunities? Work with Benepath! Not only can Benepath save you time and money by providing you with ready-to-buy leads. But we can also help you nurture your leads and improve your customer service skills. We provide you with helpful content guides and emails, so you are sure to succeed!

When you work with Benepath, receiving reliable, exclusive leads is the easy part. We provide you with real-time leads through a secured process. And give you a customized thank-you page so your leads will be ready for your call. This thank-you page assures leads that they won’t be bounced around between agents. It also gives them a feeling of connection with you right from the start. 

We offer the leads, and, while it is up to you to properly nurture the leads. We are behind you every step of the way. You’ll find, though, that our leads don’t need much nurturing because they are ready to speak with you and buy your product! To get more information, fill out the form below or call 866-368-0377.

About The Author:
Picture of Cassandra Love
Cassandra Love

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