Anybody who owns a business knows that marketing is very important to growing that business. But it might take a little more thought to determine exactly what kind of marketing will work best for your business. There are so many ways for an independent agent to market their business, and it can be overwhelming to research all of them. But we’ve got a tip for you: try trigger marketing. It might just help you to stand out from your competition! Not sure what it is, or how to use it? We’ve got all the info below, so read on to find out how and why you should utilize trigger marketing for your business.
Trigger Marketing
Trigger marketing is an email marketing tactic that uses automatically triggered communications based on specific events in a customer’s life, or at specific points in your relationship. For example, trigger email, or behavior or transactional email, is an automated email that is automatically sent when a subscriber takes a particular action or engages with your company.
The events that you can choose to trigger emails can include when a customer:
- Fills out a form
- Opens an email from you
- Views your page
- Interacts with your chat-box
- Signs up for an event or list
Trigger emails are especially helpful for use with new clients: you can trigger a sequence of welcome emails that will help to nurture your new lead. Or, you can use trigger emails to try to win lost customers back. The great thing about trigger marketing is that it can be set up to run continuously, which will produce results, and save you time.
Benefits Of Trigger Marketing
Using trigger marketing can have a lot of benefits for your agency, like:
- Trigger emails generate 4x more revenue and 18x greater profit than regular emails, according to Forrester Research.
- Additionally, triggered emails have been found to contribute over 30% of overall email revenue.
- Trigger marketing helps build relationships with customers, because it allows them to feel seen.
- You’ll be able to nurture your leads efficiently, pushing them further along in their journey with your business
- You’ll increase customer retention when you send automated emails to customers who have already worked with you, since you’ll be encouraging repeat purchases and building long-term relationships.
- You’ll end up with fewer complaints and fewer opt-outs when you have triggered emails, which ensure customers receive regular communication from you.
- Your messages will always be timely and customer-focused, which generates more value for your customers.
- You will also save time, which will allow you to focus on other things in your business.
How To Use Trigger Marketing
If you want to utilize trigger marketing, you’ll first need to understand who you’re targeting. Once you know what kind of customers you’re trying to connect with, you’ll be able to understand their problems and motivations.
Next, you will need to define your triggering events so that you can automate your system to respond to these events. You’ll need to create a variety of correspondences that align with these events. You can update a customer’s profile, add the customer to a list, categorize the customer, and then see what kind of marketing will suit them. For example, if someone visits your web page, you can have a triggered email sent to them with more related content, so that they can get more of what they’re looking for from you specifically.
One important thing to note is that you need to ensure you are personalizing your messages, because customers want you to feel like you care about them and that you’re making an effort to reach out to them personally. You can personalize automated messages using customers’ names when addressing them, and then identify where they are on their journey with you, so they don’t feel like you’re sending them spam.
Looking For Leads?
If you’re still looking to build your client list, come to Benepath! Working with Benepath means you’ll be able to free up more of your time and increase your sales. We offer you real-time exclusive leads who are warmed up and ready to purchase an insurance plan. You just have to provide us with the days and times you are available so that we can send you to live transfer calls during your specific hours.
In short, we do all the work for you, finding you pre-qualified leads and simply passing them off to you to make the sale. Benepath will provide you with better tools, more guidance, unsurpassed sales training, and techniques from the most successful agents and trainers in the industry, not to mention the best leads available! To get more information, fill out the form below or call 866-368-0377.