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4 Stereotypes of a Bad Insurance Agent

Have you ever worked with a bad salesman or agent? You could probably see through all of their tactics, right? Unfortunately, those few bad apples often give the rest of the good agents a bad name, and can create stereotypes that can be debilitating for you and your business. That means you need to work extra hard to show leads that you are nothing like the stereotypes they hear about insurance agents! Before you can do that, though, you need to know the 4 stereotypes about bad insurance agents, so you can not only avoid being like one, but so you can also try to build trust with customers and retain them. Being nothing like those bad apples will show people there are good agents out there.

1. Insurance Agents Push Insurance You Don’t Even Needman in a suit handing over a pen in one hand and a contract in the other

We’re sure you’re pretty familiar with this one. One of the main reasons people choose not to continue a sale or switch the conversation to “Maybe later” or “I need time to think,” is because they think agents are just trying to make a sale. They often don’t trust agents, so they look for a way out, because they are wary that you are going to sell them something they don’t need, or inevitably try to push you towards the most expensive policies. To combat this, remember to stay in tune with your customer’s needs, and focus on value over price.

2. Insurance Agents Prefer Working with Businesses Over Individuals 

Don’t get us wrong, commercial insurance policies are a great source of revenue, but that doesn’t mean that you prefer working with businesses over people and their families. Good insurance agents care about their customers no matter if it is an individual, a family, or a business. After all, you chose this business not only because you’re good at talking – you want to help people, build a connection with customers, and continue to help them be safe and save money when possible. 

To show that you have that personal touch, take the extra time to connect with your customers and let them know how much you value and appreciate them. You can send thank you cards, and let them know that you are always ready to help, and value them as a client and person. But don’t just say it, mean it! When they call, make sure you get back to them within a reasonable amount of time and help them in any way you can.

illustration of a man in a suit standing next to a large tablet with a calendar on it
Many people believe agents only call them when it is renewal time so they can make commission.

3. You Only Hear From Them During Renewal Time When They Want A Commission

Renewal time. The time every insurance agent looks forward to because you know you can get easy commissions with current customers. And while this is true, some agents only reach out to their clients during this time, making them feel like they only care about making money. A good agent reaches out to their clients throughout the year to check up on them and make sure they are doing okay. 

4. Insurance Agents Have A Personal Agenda

Some captive agents get a bad rap because everyone knows they work for a specific insurance company and want to push that company’s product on them, and so won’t try to help them look at other options. Be aware that people will assume you have some sort of agenda, even if you are an independent agent, especially since they know you work on commission. It might seem like a lose-lose situation, but when you work with a customer, make sure to explain in detail all the options available. Also, make sure to explain why you are pushing a specific plan or company- because it is truly in their best interest. 

Don’t get discouraged by all the negative stereotypes that people have regarding insurance agents, because if you can prove your prospects wrong, you will not only have a loyal customer that trusts you for life, but they will also spread the word about you! It’s all about the customer and building a connection to serve them as best as possible. Break these stereotypes and you will win no matter what.

About The Author:
Picture of Cassandra Love
Cassandra Love
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