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So, How Are Your Writing Skills When It Comes to Marketing Campaigns?

So, How Are Your Writing Skills When It Comes to Marketing Campaigns?

If you’re groaning out loud at this question, then writing is likely something you struggle with every time you go to write a blog or marketing piece. The words seem wooden or they are too big and jargon-like. The end result is “you” understand what you wrote, because you sell insurance, but those who are going to receive and try to read it won’t “get it.”

Put yourself into the position of your customer who knows nothing about Medicare or isn’t familiar with Medigap or final expense insurance – whatever the product is you want to promote. Now write in the simplest manner possible and explain what they need to know – leaving out the legalese – as you can explain more in detail when they call or meet with you.

It’s not always an easy thing to do, thinking like a potential customer, but if you want customers to buy insurance, they have to understand what you are selling and how it directly benefits them. Straight, clean, simple concepts using points or short sentences to get across the benefits of supplemental insurance or Medicare.

Can’t do it? Comes out not making sense? Then, hire a writer to do it for you. How you communicate with your existing and potential clients is one of the “foundation” must-dos in building your insurance agency. Hiring a good writer is well worth the investment of marketing dollars to attract more business.

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Picture of Benepath Blogger
Benepath Blogger
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