The insurance business is highly competitive. That’s no secret. Want to win big? Then do what a lot of other agents do not do — be consistent with following up with leads. There are a lot of agents who just trash their call lists when they don’t get someone home or get told the lead is not interested, even if they did ask for information.
That is a part of doing business. People have lives. People change their minds. And they may change their minds again and decide they do want insurance. You won’t know that unless you follow up. Consistently.
Here is a suggested timeline for making follow up contact with leads. Follow this outline, with personalized adaptations and you’ll see a dramatic increase in sales as you stick to the plan.
During the first week of making contact with a lead, reach out at least three times at different times of the day and on different days. If you have not made contact by the second week, then make at least two calls that week. If you move into week three, then gear down to one call that week and one call into week four.
Do you quit after a month? No. You keep calling at least once a month for as long as it takes to do business.