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Don’t think social media is all it is cracked up to be?

Read the numbers and then rethink your insurance marketing strategy.

For instance, did you know that Google+ gets 120 million visitors every month? LinkedIn garners 255 million visits monthly. Twitter boasts 310 million visits. Pinterest gets at least 250 million and Facebook gets a staggering 900 million visitors. Not to be outdone by competing social media platforms, YouTube pulls 1 billion unique visits every month. Imagine!

The fact is that a good segment of your prospects hang out on at least one of the six top social media platforms. The population of the U.S. alone is roughly 320 million. The potential business exposure is phenomenal and means that every insurance agency and broker should have a professional presence on at least five of the top social media sites: Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube.

Make social media work for you by leveraging its unlimited power. And remember, once you have those leads from benepath.net, you have the foundation of a solid marketing list.

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Benepath Blogger
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