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When selling insurance you do not plan to fail, but you may fail to plan

This is especially true when you first get started in the business of selling insurance. There is so much to do and accomplish that many new agents, and even seasoned ones, jump into something without really looking at the whole picture. Without planning and setting defined goals, you fail. It is as simple as that. Simply put, take the time to write out you goals and plans and then get to work on making it happen.

Be realistic and set goals you know you can attain. An example would be to always invest in quality leads that you know are going to convert and call four of them every day. Set aside the time to do so and work through them diligently. Do not waste money on shared leads, unless you like being supremely frustrated at the end of the day when you discover everyone you called had already spoken to at least three other agents.

Get only exclusive-to-you leads. That is the ticket to success. That is the plan that cannot fail.

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Benepath Blogger
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