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Do you market with a team?

Marketing alone is okay if your office is small. However, if you want that office to grow, creating teams to market you, the agency and the products is a savvy move. 
Marketing is tricky to begin with, and if you do everything on your own, small tasks can devour your time and keep you from selling. Teams help distribute the work so that a business can grow. Team strategies can directly impact the financial bottom line for everyone.
You don’t need big teams. Even four people, working together, can divide tasks effectively. For example, you may have ordered pre-screened leads from Benepath. You work your leads and find out who wants to see you, who wants more information and who is thinking about it and needs more time. Team member two could book your appointments, team member three could gather up more information and get it sent out, and team member four could plan a callback schedule for your thinking clients.
If one of your team members is particularly effective and efficient, you might even consider buying more leads and splitting the call time with him or her. Double the calls out to pre-screened clients asking for information, and you stand to double your conversions. You can work out your own commission split if your partner caller does really well selling and booking appointments.
When you sell insurance, you need to think outside of the office walls and put yourself in the shoes of your potential customers. Show your customers you understand what they need, and use good team management to offer it to them with skill and speed.

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