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Exclusive final expense leads – by phone or in person?

Doing business in person often means a better chance to communicate with buyers.
There are a number of ways you can choose to market final expense policies, all of which should, to some extent, involve the personal touch. Talking about what you want done when you are not here any longer is not the easiest conversation to have.
Sourcing final expense leads is often a bit of a pain, as well. After all, where do you start to look for people who are asking for this kind of policy? It’s not like this is something you hear in coffee shops: “Say Bill, do you know who I can talk to about my funeral expenses?”

Will you go the traditional sales route and sell in person or over the phone, or combine those approaches? And, before you get ahead of yourself, you need to line up exclusive final expense leads through a reputable lead-generation company, a company that stands by its leads and only provides you with precisely what you require. For example, if you order exclusive final expense leads, that is exactly what arrives in your email, as often as you want.

The leads are pre-screened, pre-qualified, and as ready as they ever will be to buy a final expense policy. You only need call these real-time, quality leads, and outline what the policy provides, how it works and the premium price. Make an appointment, if possible, and close the sale in their home. If that is not possible, due to distance or scheduling problems, close the sale on the phone.

The only thing you seriously need to be these days is flexible, not just for yourself, but for your customers. Face-to-face time is nice, and tends to increase a buyer’s level of confidence in you, if you are able to make arrangements to meet. However, with the fast pace of living nowadays, that often does not work out.

Just keep in mind that if you plan to sell insurance to seniors, meeting in person has the potential to net you more sales than solely relying on a phone pitch. It allows your prospective customers to get to know you, ask questions and evaluate the answers and your credibility.

There is no question that exclusive final expense leads are the way to go. They are worth the investment you make, as they have been proven to convert more often than not.

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Clelland Green
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