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Could Trade Shows Help Your Business?

We know what you’re thinking: “Trade shows? How is attending trade shows supposed to help grow my insurance business?” But we’re going to let you in on a secret that not every insurance agent knows: not only is attending trade shows a way to network and attract customers, but it’s also a great way to learn some new things that could potentially increase your profits. And don’t think that you should only be going to trade shows in your specific field, you should also attend ones in other insurance-related areas. Find out why, and read on for some great tips on how to make the most out of any trade show you attend!

Industry Trade Shows You Should Attend

trade show event with people walking around
Attending different trade shows can help you network more, land learn new trends to help grow your business.

Never limit yourself. Not in your life, or in your business. And when it comes to trade shows, don’t limit yourself to just one type. Don’t get us wrong, of course, there are benefits to attending trade shows directly related to your business, but there are some benefits to going to other ones too. 

For example, different co-industry trade shows will offer you a huge opportunity to network with colleagues and potential customers across your state and the country. After all, networking is one of the main benefits of these trade shows, especially local ones. 

Another benefit of attending these shows is that you’ll get the opportunity to begin selling more insurance. For example, if you only sell health insurance, you can attend shows to learn about Medicare, commercial, or life insurance, and add these types of policies to your tool belt. 

And not only will you network and learn about other types of insurance, but you will learn about new trends and the latest news in the Insurance Brokers and Agencies industry. This will allow you to get a heads up on what the competition will be doing. 

If you’re looking for insurance-related trade shows you can attend to broaden your horizons, you should check out the following: 

  • HCAA Executive Forum
  • NEOHUA Virtual Products Expo
  • NAHAM Annual Conference
  • SIIA Direct Contracting CFA Executive Forum
  • AHIP Institute & Expo

Preparing For A Trade Show

Before the show, you should receive a roster of customers who will be attending. If you can’t get a hold of this, you should create your own contact list of clients and leads to invite to the show using your existing customer database system. Advertise that you will be at the trade show, especially if it is a local one.

Next, you will have to prepare your booth space. The most important thing to think about is where it will be located. If you are in the back, you might not get a lot of people stopping by, so select a booth space that will help optimize walking traffic. You’ll need to gauge the size of the show and make sure to bring enough marketing materials, including giveaways, such as tote bags, stickers, candy, etc. For larger shows that more customers and leads will be attending, you might want to consider having a raffle or contest to help engage more customers.

Presenting at a Trade Show

blurred photo of a man presenting in front of people
When presenting at a trade show, keep it short and as informative as possible.

After you have networked and learned about the hot topics for the trade show you will be attending, and are set with your booth and marketing materials, you will have the opportunity to present at the show. When presenting, remember to keep text to a minimum – use bullet points and other easy-to-read formats, so booth visitors or people on the trade show floor can quickly absorb your information. You will want to give a brief overview of your business, what you sell, your success rates, including your rate for renewal/retaining customers, and how much you have saved people on average.

If you successfully present at a trade show, you could end up really growing your business. So after a killer presentation, be sure to reach out to clients, prospects, or vendors that are attending the show and try to set up meetings outside of the trade show hours.

After the Show

After the trade show is over, it is extremely important that you take the knowledge you have gained and your new potential client list and work both to your advantage. Reach out to any new contracts that you met at the show and place each one in the correct stage of the sales cycle. And if the trade show was a success, register your booth for the next one and begin planning! 

Trade shows are interesting and fun ways to learn about the Insurance Brokers and Agencies industry, network, and gain customers/grow your business. Attending trade shows can be time-consuming because they do take a lot of planning, but if done right, you can make a big impact on your business. 

In the meantime, if you are looking for ready-to-buy leads, Benepath can help! We offer exclusive leads –  all you have to do is tell us when you are available to work with them. Benepath will provide you with better tools, more guidance, unsurpassed sales training, and techniques from the most successful agents and trainers in the industry, not to mention the best leads available!

To get more information, fill out the form above, or call 866-368-0377.

About The Author:
Picture of Cassandra Love
Cassandra Love

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