Buyer hesitation. This is something you’ve probably already come across while selling insurance, and you will probably continue to experience throughout your career. People want to learn about their insurance options, but when it is time to pull the trigger and purchase a plan, they often hesitate, worrying that they will feel buyer’s remorse after purchasing a plan. They might feel like they need more time to make a decision or look into the options you have offered them. There are steps you can take to help ease their mind and push forward with a sale.
Show Your Credibility
More than 90% of consumers look at online reviews before working with or buying products from a business. If you have at least one positive customer review, approximately 33% of consumers will be willing to work with your business. It all comes down to trust: customers know that there are a lot of businesses out there that are just looking to make a quick buck and don’t care about their customers, as well as fraudulent businesses that could steal their information and money. The more positive reviews you have, and the more credible you are, the better a consumer will feel about working with you and buying insurance from you.
Show Them What You Can Do For Them
One of the best ways to overcome buyer hesitation and put a potential customer at ease is by being completely transparent and showing them all available plans, their prices, and how much you can save them. If you can share your screen with them, do so! When you share your screen, you can show them that there are no added fees or gimmicks. People like that sense of security knowing that they are not getting played or taken advantage of by a sales agent. Show them exactly what is available in their area, and that they will probably not find anything better, or will get the same results from another agent or an online source. This will allow you to build trust with them, and make them more likely to work with you again.
Create a Sense Of Urgency
Nudging customers toward a sale is one thing, but you have to be careful how you go about creating a sense of urgency. Push too much and you could lose the prospect forever. The best way to create a sense of urgency when working with insurance leads is to show them why now is the best time to purchase insurance. Compare rates from different companies and help them see that the market is in their favor. Remind them that the unexpected could happen, health conditions could arise, and the older they get, the more they will have to pay.
Honesty Is The Best Policy
Do not lie. Ever. If you can’t offer your customer a policy that meets their needs, it’s always best to be honest and tell them that. Prospects will respect you more and even consider your services at a later date or refer you to friends. And if you do find the right plan for them, make sure to explain both the pros and cons of the plan before your customer makes their decision. Customers experience buyer’s remorse because they feel like they got a plan that wasn’t what they thought it was, doesn’t cover the things they want it to, or is too expensive. Avoid all of this and earn a customer for life by being honest.
Buyer hesitation is frustrating and is inevitable with some leads. And rightfully so: they are investing a lot of money into an insurance plan, so they want it to cover their needs completely. You can help them overcome their hesitation with some of the strategies we have mentioned above. These tips will help you to grow your business and master your sales technique.