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Communication Skills are Key for Developing Your Agency

Communication skills are key for developing your agency

You may be thinking, you are a good communicator. You call leads, make appointments, talk to walk-ins, talk to staff, help with training and do well in sales. Those are certainly examples of communicating, but talking is not the same as having developed communication skills.

As an insurance agent, marketing and sales involve developed communication skills. To start with, you should examine who is your audience. Who will respond to your agency’s insurance policies best? Knowing your audience will allow you to develop an effective marketing strategy. However, to do that you will need to know how to communicate to your prospective clients what they need in an insurance policy. This is marketing and it is sales.

As an agent, however, you cannot rely on your website to do it all. You will need to interact with leads and get them to buy policies from you. This will require you to sell yourself and your product. You need to be selling you. Without you there is typically no sale, even if someone walked in off the street and said they wanted a Medicare policy. They would first want to get a sense of the selling agent before actually buying.

Do you seem fair? Honest? Know your product? Help potential buyers by giving them thorough information? Do you take your time and get to know the person before doing a sales pitch? Do you enjoy speaking to others? If so, then that means you have developed your communication skills. However, do not stop learning.

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Benepath Blogger

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