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What is the first thing you need to know about marketing insurance?

The most first and most important thing to know when marketing insurance is the product. While that may sound like an oxymoron, if you do not know the insurance you are marketing then your career selling insurance is going to be a very short one.

In order to successfully market insurance, you will need to know all the benefits of all the insurance policies you sell in order to answer questions, provide service and respond to claims. In addition, you will need to be able to offer compelling reasons as to why people should buy insurance from you and your company rather than your competition.

The most important piece of information you can give to a potential client or even an existing one, is how the insurance policy they are considering helps improve their life. In other words, create connections with your customers. It is imperative that you know what customers find appealing about the insurance plan they are choosing — the one factor that may make a sale. Creating customer connection by gathering information about them, allows for the formation of long-lasting customer engagement.

Excellent customer service will provide your firm with better customer retention or engagement. After all, retention is the long-term goal so you do not end up in a situation where you are selling just one policy one time. Offering the best in service will keep your customers coming back year-after-year.

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Benepath Blogger
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