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Frequent, Spammy and Uninformative Emails are a Huge No-No

Frequent, spammy and uninformative emails are a huge no-no

Insurance agents and their agencies need to have a clear understanding of email as a marketing tool. Emails for the sake of sending something are a frowned upon. Instead, all emails need to have outlined purpose that provides new and useful information to recipients.

If you need to send out an email to announce something, sell something or educate your customers about a change to health insurance policies, make it informative and useful to your clients and potential leads. Offer interesting content about new changes coming or a policy revision that people need to know about. Too many emails from your agency with little purpose will be considered spam.

While a strong body of emails is important, agents cannot forget about writing proper subject lines. The subject needs to be germane to the body content. Flashy subject lines that offer no substance will not do. Informative subject lines will entice readers to open any emails from you.

Of course, the longer you have been emailing and engaging with your email list, the better chance you stand of having your emails read. However, if your emails contain interesting information that customers need to know, then your status as an expert increases. It is all about rapport, about relationship marketing, because after all you are not just selling a policy, you are selling yourself.

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Benepath Blogger
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