Do you have a clear goal when selling insurance? This may be a surprising question. After all to be a successful agent you need to have established goals. In other words, there has to be a clear action plan. So what are the components of an action plan?
The main factors in establishing an action plan are the following components: education, customer service, compassion and the drive to succeed. All these factors are not separate, they need to come together if you want to grow a healthy insurance agency.
The knowledge and education you possess are important factors when generating leads. In fact, aside from you selling insurance policies, you must have an educational component to your marketing. In other words, existing customers and potential clients have to know what they are buying, why and how it will protect them, how it will help them and what a policy does and does not cover.
Customer service is one of the top items that must be on your list of what makes an outstanding and successful agent. Customer service is an integral part of running and growing an agency as well. Without it, you either lose customers or do not attract new customers. Know your products. Be able to explain them in easy to understand language. Be prompt for appointments. Deliver more than asked for when dealing with customers.
Remember, customers do not just buy insurance because you happen to be selling it. They buy because of the agent, their knowledge, service, willingness to help and personality. So, be sure your goals are clear when you sell insurance.