Advantages of Shared Leads:

  1. Cost-Effectiveness: Shared leads provide a diverse prospect pool at lower costs by sharing expenses among buyers, allowing wider access with a lower financial commitment than exclusive leads and maximizing your ROI.
  2. Increased Reach With High-Interest Prospects: Tap into a wider prospect pool beyond your marketing efforts, increasing sales opportunities by reaching potential clients otherwise missed.
  3. Quality Assurance: As a trusted shared lead provider, we use thorough filtering and validation to deliver high-quality, conversion-ready leads, saving you time and resources.
  4. Personalized Connection: By distributing leads among a select group of agents, we enhance the likelihood that a lead will be paired with an agent whose personality and locality aligns with their own, improving customer satisfaction and potentially leading to higher conversion rates.
  5. Versatile Suitability: From new agents eager to gain experience to large call centers aiming for efficiency and top performers seeking competitive advantage, this program provides a scalable solution for agents at any level to access a steady stream of leads.
Here’s what some of our agents have to say:
“I absolutely love the Benepath exclusive leads. This program consistently brings me high quality leads who not only know that I am calling, they are typically eager to speak with me! Since starting on the Benepath program my business has really picked up and I spend less time prospecting and more time selling.”

Fred-Allen Self, WI
“These are, hands down, good leads! I've worked with many lead companies in the past, and currently I have 2 other vendors. When Benepath says they are different from the rest, they really are. I have phone conversations with most of the leads, and because of the set up Benepath has, most of those leads were expecting my phone call”

Lucner M., Combined Insurance