Preview of our new whitepaper: “A Guide to the Insurance Consumer’s Journey”

As the insurance industry continues to shift and change year after year, being able to understand the average consumer’s journey is vital to the success of any insurance agent or industry professional. The difference between today and thirty years ago is the reliance that consumers now have with digital tools. These technological advancements can aid consumers in research and thought, ultimately standing as the driving force in their decision making process.

With that said, consumers aren’t the only ones who benefit from this. As an insurance professional, if you are able to get into the mind of the consumer and understand the thought process behind their actions, you will gain the proper insights to make more sales and grow your business. In this article we will delve into the concept of a consumer journey and decipher what it truly means in relation to insurance. Additionally, we will go over the steps of the consumer’s journey in detail, outlining important information that is pertinent to anyone who’s aiming to connect with more prospects and make lasting relationships. 

Here’s what some of our agents have to say:
“I absolutely love the Benepath exclusive leads. This program consistently brings me high quality leads who not only know that I am calling, they are typically eager to speak with me! Since starting on the Benepath program my business has really picked up and I spend less time prospecting and more time selling.”

Fred-Allen Self, WI
“These are, hands down, good leads! I've worked with many lead companies in the past, and currently I have 2 other vendors. When Benepath says they are different from the rest, they really are. I have phone conversations with most of the leads, and because of the set up Benepath has, most of those leads were expecting my phone call”

Lucner M., Combined Insurance