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All New: 2012 Employee Benefits Benchmarking Report

[title size=”3″]This Report Includes[/title]

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  • Over 7,500 Companies Surveyed
  • Over 20 Charts and Graphs
  • Health Plans: Types of Plans Desired
  • Ancillary Plans: How many companies are implementing these plans
  • Comparisons based on Geographic Analysis (based on Company Location)
  • Comparisons based on Industry Type
  • Comparisons based on Size of Company


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(Instant Download)
Only $99.95


[title size=”3″]Close More Business by Staying On Top of the Latest Trends[/title]
[three_fourth last=”no”]Without access to information, there is no way you can stay current with the rapidly changing landscape of employee benefits.

This Report Gives You:

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  • Information on what employers are looking for when they are small and as they get larger
  • What health plans are in demand, and which ones are out of favor
  • Ideas on what benefits to suggest that your employer may not be looking at yet


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Agents: Get the Information that Will Make You More Valuable to Your Prospects and Clients

[tagline_box backgroundcolor=”#ffffff” shadow=”yes” shadowopacity=”1″ border=”0px” bordercolor=”#ffffff” highlightposition=”” link=”” linktarget=”_self” buttoncolor=”” button=”” title=”” description=”Employers need quality information to make decisions and these people are not in the employee benefits business – You Are! Having high quality information you can use to help guide your prospects and clients in the design of their benefit programs is extremely important. Using this data effectively will increase your value substantially leading to more sales and greater retention rates” animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”down” animation_speed=”0.1″][/tagline_box]
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(Instant Download)
Only $99.95


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