Preview of our 2023 Whitepaper: “AI & The Insurance Industry, What’s Next?”

“In this paper we will be exploring what AI is and how it is reshaping the insurance industry for the better. Though AI is really only just beginning to be incorporated into the way insurance carriers and agents do business, some players in the industry have already begun to see its potential and are putting it to good use. And while AI has the ability to alter the industry as a whole, it’s exciting to note that the bigger change is likely to be its effect on day-to-day tasks of average workers in the industry, including insurance agents.

As time goes on, more and more capabilities of AI are sure to be discovered, but it can already be put to use in the areas of claims processing, underwriting, marketing, customer service, and fraud detection. And while some people might be hesitant to make the transition to automation, the results so far have been exciting, as AI technologies have begun to increase speed, efficiency, and accuracy in a number of areas in the insurance field.”

Here’s what some of our agents have to say:
“I absolutely love the Benepath exclusive leads. This program consistently brings me high quality leads who not only know that I am calling, they are typically eager to speak with me! Since starting on the Benepath program my business has really picked up and I spend less time prospecting and more time selling.”

Fred-Allen Self, WI
“These are, hands down, good leads! I've worked with many lead companies in the past, and currently I have 2 other vendors. When Benepath says they are different from the rest, they really are. I have phone conversations with most of the leads, and because of the set up Benepath has, most of those leads were expecting my phone call”

Lucner M., Combined Insurance